chapter 2: hey doll

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~camryn's p.o.v~

       The summer was almost over school is now my escape from the over protective gang. Although me and Dal spent almost every day together. I'm not gonna lie but I started to dig Dallas.

"Hey doll." I spaced off till I heard Dallas's calming voice.

"Oh hey Dal." I was trying to hide that I was upset. Im not to good at it tho.

     I was thinking about my parents and even though Dallas is near me I just wanna cry and I don't normally cry in front of Dallas. I keep thinking I deserve to die and I truly do. I can't get the thought that I could have saved them out of my head. I'm slowly breaking.

      "Cam, you good?" I looked Dallas in the eye. He could tell I was lying.

       "Yeah I'm fine" a tear threatens to escape my eyes but I blinked it away.

      I quickly got up and sprinted to my room not wanting to talk to anyone. I just wanted to let my mind control me. 


       "Hey camryn lets go to the mall to get you some new clothes!" My mom shouted happily from the living room.

       "Don't you have to pay the bills mom?" We didn't have much money.

      "I just want to spoil my daughter for once." My mom pulled me into a hug.

       I had a bad feeling as we pulled out of the driveway with me my mom and dad in the car and drove towed the west side of the railroad tracks. I still don't know how I survived. All of a sudden there the sound of breaking glass and I blacked out for like 10 minutes. When I woke up I looked around to see my parents talking, telling each other they loved each other.

      "Mom, Dad," my throat Was throbbing as I spoke. "I can get us out of here just hold on."

       "Cam don't it's our time, tell your brothers we love them." My dad spoke quietly he drifted off and stopped breathing.

       "Cam....... w-we love you." My mom grinned as she faded to the after life with my father.

       " NO PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! I MEED YOU GUYS!" I screamed it was no use though they were gone for good.

~end of flashback~

      "NO WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME!" I thought I was yelling in my head till I heard someone walk up to my room.

       "Camryn are you ok?" I heard soda at the door.

       "Go away Soda." I said emotionless. Banging on the door continued as I let my minds be in control.

        "CAMRYN MAE CURTIS!" Darry sounded furious. "LET ME IN RIGHT NOW!" I wasn't in control of my self at the moment so I got sassy.

        "Go the fuck away Darrel Shaynne Curtis. I don't wanna talk to an of you!" Darry didn't like sass so on the inside I was scared about how he would react.

      Last thing I knew my door got knocked down and I was sitting on my bed with a blank expression on my face in my long sleeve grey crop top with my ripped blue jeans.

        "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM CAMRYN!" Darry and Sodapop said at the same time.

       "Just go away." I mumbled. I got hit in the face by Darry in a full force slap you could see the hand print on my cheek. This slap had snapped me out of my depressed state. I could feel the pain running through my cheek I got up and ran to the park not thinking. I hated getting beat. It doesn't happen that often but when it scares me to my bones and I start to shake. Once I reached the park I sat down on the bench. I was there for about 30 minutes till someone hugged me. 'Why is someone hugging me' I thought then I realized I am crying.

       "What do you want." My voice was cracking because of how long I have been crying.

       This persons sent is oddly satisfying. They smelled like cologne and cigarette smoke. It took me a minute to realize it was Dallas Winston. I shoved him off.

"What do you want Dallas." I hissed.

"I want you to be happy so please tell me what's going through your head." Dallas was pleading.

"I-it's nothing d-dal." I couldn't tell him what was happening in my head.

        "Why are you wearing a long sleeve shirt then you used to wear tank tops all the time. Are you cutting?" Dallas won't stop talking and I wouldn't answer that question so I just kissed him.

     I had to leave Dallas doesn't like me like that why the hell did I kiss him. I got up and ran till I bumped into a soc that seemed innocent. I felt bad so I apologized to him and all he did was hug me. I couldn't help but smile.

      "Oh I should probably introduce myself my name is camryn." I said trying to be nice not let my tuff side show.

      "Um... my name is Thomas. Want to be friends?" He wants to be my friend.

      "But imma greaser and your a soc." He smiled and hugged me as I was rambling. Next thing I knew he kissed me on the lips. He was gentle about it.

~Dallas p.o.v~

       I followed Camryn to see where she was going so I could tell her how I felt. I ran down the street to turn the corner to se her talking to some soc all of a sudden I saw him kiss cam and I lost it I ran past them to bucks and once I got to bucks I ran straight to my room and pulled out my blade. I know this is something I'm gonna regret but I can't stand to see her with someone else.

      "I don't deserve her." I cried as my blade glided through my skin going deeper. I couldn't feel it I was numb I was snapped out of my world to meet the world known as depression. I snapped out of it when I heard knocking on my door.

        "Go away!" I yelled and whoever it was listened so I went to bed I was crying quietly till I passed out.

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