Chapter 7: New things

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Camryns pov

I woke up when soda did since he wasn't quite about Darry throwing shit at him. All I did was groan and soda looked at me and mumbled something I couldn't quite make out.

"What the hell darry you woke me up too you asshole!" I whined as I got out of bed.

"Well good morning to you too, peanut." Darry made a nick name for the gang to call me and I hate it.

"Shut up dar-bear." I hissed.

I grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower. Two went into the bathroom to pee while I was in the shower and this is like a everyday occurrence so it doesn't bug me. When I got out of the shower I put on my black leggings and my black tube top. When I walked out of the bathroom I shivered because it was cold in the living room Dallas saw and handed me his jean jacket. Why do guys have to make it so hard to move on. I thought walk-in back to my room. In my room I put my converse on and did my makeup. I put on eyeliner, some mascara, and a light color eyeshadow.

"I'm gonna go to the dinner and meet up with some people." I said leaving the house.

I was walking to the dinner when I heard car door slam shut. Oh shit. 6 socs got out of the car and walked over to me. They formed a circle and started harassing me. One started to grab my ass and I smacked him. I tried to run but another one grabbed my arm.

"What the hell do you people want." I grumbled

"We just want you sweet thing" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh trust me I'm not a sweet thing." I laughed. I started punching and kicking all the guys. They were all stunned at how well I was fighting because these guys know I don't normally fight back I normally let them beat me cuz I'm not happy with my self. Once I was done and kicked them in the groin they all groaned. I started walking away proud of my self when I ran into Steve.

Sorry I haven't posted much I have major writer's block on this book I'm kinda struggling so if anyone has ideas for this book feel free to share them with me.

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