Chapter 5: dallas finds out

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~camryns p.o.v

I  just woke up to yelling so I turned to my alarm clock to see what time it was

"7:30" I mumbled

I heard my door open only to see Dallas Winston smirking at me.

"good morning Cam-" I cut him off

"What the hell are you doing in my room Dallas!" I yelled it was early in the morning and I'm NOT a morning person especially when Dallas is around.

"Damn your feisty in the morning cam." whatever he said I didn't hear because I was thinking about my parents who died years ago I felt a tear go down my cheek and all of a sudden Dallas was hugging me he has never hugged me before now. I couldn't control my thoughts and movements at that moment so I pushed him away and I was bawling as a got up and went to my dresser. Dally's eyes followed me the whole way watching my every move as I grabbed my switch blade and cut my wrist. Dallas ran up to me and grabbed it and put it in his pocket

"Cam what was that about and since when were you cutting?" dally said his voice filled with worry. I looked him right in the eye.

"Since my parents died" I regretted telling him that

"Cam that's 2 fucking years you need to stop cutting because if you continue you will end up killing yourself and I can't live with that!" Dally started yelling.

I never meant for him to see me doing this sure Dal was a ass sometimes but I really like him a lot.

"I'm sorry Dal its just really heard I should be dead my mom and dad died in that car accident I was in the back seat Dal I have been living with the fact i watched-" Dally cut me off

"Doll its not you fault they loved you and so do your brothers so I need you to stop before they find out-" Dal was cut off by Soda he gets to just walk in since we share a room.

"Before who finds out what Dally?" I gave Dallly a look bagging him not to tell soda.

"That Cam likes me." Dally said biting his lip nervously.

  "Well do you like her Dallas." Soda glared at Dally. Before Dally could answer I shoved Soda out the door because I was scared to hear what Dally was gonna say.

"why did you shove him out."He questioned me.
"Because I don't want to know your answer to Sodas question." I said as I shoved Dallas out of my room so I could change. I put on my grey halter top, my black ripped jeans, my old high top converse and my washed out jean jacket.

  I walked out of my room and right by Dally and out the door hoping Dallas wouldn't follow me but as I left the door I heard someone follow me so I kinda started running knowing Dally was slower then me and I lost him when I passed bucks, but little did I know that Bob Sheldon and his friends were around the corner drunker then ever.

I rounded the corner to see a light blue mustang. I kept walking toward it I don't care if I get beat to a pulp its nothing compared to watching your own parents die. Bob got out of the car and stopped me in my tracks.

"hey grease. what you doing out hear all alone." Bob said getting all up in my face.

  "get the fuck outta my face jerk." once i said jerk Bob hit me in the face like with a full on force. i let out a cry trying to hold back the pain as someone grabbed a knife and held it to my throat.

"you wanna die tonight." David whispered into my ear.

"I have wanted to die for years so you would do me a favor!" I yelled because I was still in pain. Then I heard Dally yell my name as he saw them beating me up I was near to death when he scared off the soc's.

"cam what were you thinking why were you letting them kill you." Dallas said surprisingly holding back a tear.

"Since when do you care dal just leave me to die or i will kill myself-" I never finished my sentence because dally looked sick.

"Dal look-" he cut me off

             "cam no your brothers would be a mess if you died ok also the gang would fall apart you hold the gang together." dally tried to explain.

"look Dallas i think its best you stay the fuck away from the gang and my house!" I yelled at him. I cant continue to fall for him so imma just push him away. I ran off he grabbed my arm tightly.

"let the fuck go of me!" I harshly yelled at him. my luck johnny came around the corner and told dally to let go.

"Dal why are you holding cam like that-" Johnny got cut off by Dallas.

" She is trying to kick me out of the gang. Johnny you know they are all I have please don't let her do this."Dallas was trying to get Johnny to change my mind.

"Shut the fuck up Dallas he doesn't have to listen to you, but please let me go." He loosened his grip and I ran back to my house not turning back to him.

~Johnny p.o.v~

           I rounded the corner by bucks place looking for Dallas to see him holding camryns arm with a tight grip as she yelled at him with tears in her eyes I was shocked because Dallas loved camryn. Then Dallas told me that she told him she didn't want him around her or the gang ever again. I looked at Dallas in shock " why did she say that dal that doesn't sound like the camryn we know" I said. Dallas looked like he was gonna be sick. "Dal what happened that I don't know?". "She is fucking suicidal Johnny I Saw her crying in her room so I hugged her and she got up to go to her switch on h-her dresser-" I had to cut Dallas off because I knew what he was talking about. "For how long?" I muttered. "2 fucking years!" Dallas practically cried. Seeing dally cry was what got to me he has Never cried for anyone except me when he thought I was gonna die. Does he actually think camryn is gonna kill herself maybe I need to keep a close eye on her since Dallas isn't allowed at there house.

~Dallas p.o.v~

Ok so the only person to know how I feel about camryn is Johnny and I like her I wouldn't say I love her but to find out she is suicidal broke me and idk what to do since she pushed me away. She and Johnny make me smile because Johnny is like my little brother and cam is just fun to be around like she can make me laugh and she is smart but dumb like she does crazy thinks but she hasn't been her self since she lost her parents and that kinda makes me sad because I miss the old her.

Her parents died like 2 years ago and she was in the car when they died so she ended up watching her parents struggle to hold on to life as she was just laying upside down in the car try to in strap her seat belt to go and help but he didn't have a switch blade to help cut her self free. Now she blames herself and it's not her fault that the other driver was drunk and hit there car just the right way to make it flip but no one expected her to survive that night at the hospital. She did nothing to deserve how she is now. Now she is a mess and she cuts so like I'm scared to fucking loose her I need the old camryn back.

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