Chapter 9(part 2): panicking & tears

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Dally's POV
I walked up to the front desk the woman looked at me with actual heart eyes.
"Hi, I'm here to see Camryn Curtis." I said with no emotion what so ever.

"She in room 21 on the 8th floor." she smiled. I really don't understand how people are positive right now.

I went up to the 8th floor and hear a loud obnoxious yelling and laughing. yep the gang must be close. once I walked into the room they all stopped their conversations and looked at me then behind me. 

"what are you guys looking for?" I questioned realizing I made a dumb mistake.

"where is johnny? we all saw you him follow you." pony asked me. I let a tear slip again. everyone was confused because I don't cry.

"j-johnnys gone." I said letting more tears fall because I don't care anymore.

"what do you mean dal?" Camryn asked letting tears fall. seeing her like this made me want to run and never come back.

"I mean he's dead cam! he decided to save my dumbass from getting shot and killed by the fuzz!" I shouted trying to remain tuff. "Its my fault my best friend died. I could have prevented him from dying he had so much to live for! I should be dead!" I ranted pacing when suddenly Darry stepped in front of me.

"Dallas you don't deserve to die I know we haven't always got along but you are the second best thing to happen to this gang other then Johnny, we could never gat along with out ya man." Darry said looking me in the eyes for once without hatred. the last thing I never expected was Darry pulling me into a hug.

"Dally?" Camryn asked looking at me from her bed motioning for me to walk over to her.

"yeah." I said still trying to remain calm. she weakened me and always wanted me to show emotion.

"I'm sorry about Johnny man I know you guys were really close. come here I'm going to give you a hug.

I took a step and collapsed I hit my head and blacked out.

Camryn's POV

"Dally!" I screamed defiantly waking patients that might have been sleeping.

"help! oh my god!" Pony yelled after me. a doctor ran into the room an saw dally on the floor.

"I need you all to leave now!" the doctor shouted getting a few people to help him move dally to the other bed in my room.

They started CPR once the were done they hooked dally up to a machine to help him breath. I was sobbing in my bed head in my hands. I cant lose him like I did Johnny I cant watch the love of my life die.

"Will he wake up soon?" I asked my voice breaking.

"We had to put Mr. Winston into a medical induced coma, so we aren't sure if he will even wake up." the nurse said checking on me.

"okay I said letting my tears fall again. why did I have to fall for the bad boy Dallas Winston. with that I decided it was time for bed and I got up to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

*The next day* Sodas POV

I heard crying while I was in bed. once I sat up I saw pony crying about ready to trash one of his books that he got from Johnny as a gift. I got up and sprinted across the hall to him and grabbed him pulling him away. He threw himself and tried to get free but I wouldn't budge.

"woah, pony please calm down" I cooed into his ear to make him relax.

"Soda how am I supposed to calm down!" pony wailed in frustration.

"Just talk to me and don't destroy your favorite book okay?" I said still holding him tight.

"its all my fault! I should have made Johnny stay instead of follow dally." he sobbed letting al his walls to fall.

"Pone listen none of this is anyone's fault." I cooed letting my own tears slip a little.

the phone started ringing suddenly so I got up and wiped my tears. pony followed me and went to the living room and collapsed on the couch. I picked up the phone and answered how I normally do

soda: hello, this is the Curtis house soda speaking.

doctor: hello soda this is Dr. Macarthur I am calling to inform you that late lat night at around 12 am Dallas Winston's heart stopped

soda: what the hell is he okay?

doctor: yes he is fine he just needed to be put on life support to keep him alive

Soda: okay... how did my sister handle what happened

doctor: she didn't do to well we had to put her to sleep

soda: is it okay if we come and see them?

doctor: yes that should be fine

I cant believe we almost lost dally last night. I cant stop thing about what would have happened to cam if dal actually died. she would have lost 4 people she cares about within 6 months.

Dally's POV

It was cold and dark I instantly thought this was the end for me. suddenly it got bright. in the brightness as my eyes adjusted I started seeing 3 people standing in front of me.

"hey dally." she smiled I never thought I would see her again.

"Allison?" I asked with a real smile on my face.

"Yep its me." she smiled "Darrel get over here and say hi to dal"

"hey kid I need you to say hi to someone." Darrel said

"Sure whatever man" I said looking at the other person she is short with brown hair and grey eyes.

"Hi Dallas its nice to see you again" she smiled

"what do you mean again?" I asked getting confused

"I'm Maxwell Winston." she gave me a look that I never want to see from her.

"what the hell do you want bitch!" I snarled

"well I came to tell you, you have a little sister named Maddison Bexly. ooh also your little friend Johnny isn't dead." she looked so weird and I didn't like it.

"Yeah sure johnnys alive look you bitch I watched him die but I will only believe you if I see it.

suddenly things went all black again and I woke up in the hospital room and pulled a tube out of m throat. I was suddenly nauseated with a gross smell and I felt vary uncomfortable. Fucking hospitals I hate them. I looked around at my surroundings and saw Camryn on the bed across from me asleep. suddenly I felt tired and went to bed.

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