Chapter 9: worried

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Steve's POV

I have never seen someone so emotional. Darry looked ready to throw hands with someone. Dally... don't even get me started with him. Dally had me scared as hell. Pony and soda were about to fall apart. Poor Johnny was already crying. two-bit wasn't smiling.

Darry was first too see me he ran over to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"Can you tell me why my baby sister is in the hospital!" He fumed.

"S-she was doing something that really showed me how none of us pay attention." I was shaking I was so scared.

"What was she doing?" Dal looked so pail.

"She cut her self, man it was really deep." I started crying. No one in the gang and I mean NO ONE has EVER seen me cry.

"FUCK!" Dal screamed. He ran out of the hospital looking for trouble. We all knew it was a bad idea to follow him but Johnny didn't get the memo.

Johnny's POV

Dal ran out of the waiting room. I followed him cuz I'm worried about him. He really cares for Camryn. I followed dally all the way to a small market. He walked into the store and went to magazines. I was standing outside watching what was happening.

Dal ripped a magazine. The store owner got real mad and yelled at him. Suddenly Dal pulled out a gun. Just as dal made it out the store the other guy shot him in the shoulder.

"Dal what are you doing." I yelled. He turned around in shock.

"What did you say you little shit?" Dal glared at me.

"Camryn wouldn't want you to do this. You need to go back and pay before one of its gets shot and killed." I fumed.

"Now way am I going back to pay. If I die I die no one will be traumatized. In fact a burden will be lifted off everyone's shoulders." I couldn't read dally emotions.

"Come on dal!" I tried to make him stop but he just ran off to the park.

I raced off with him. Not long after cop cars followed us. Once fall got to the top of the hill at the park he pulled out a heater.

"DAL STOP!" I shouted. It did no use so when he did that I ran up to block the bullets from the cops. I collapsed to the ground real fast and the world started to spin.

Dally's POV

That dumb ass just got himself shot.

"Johnny, man please don't die. I-I need you." I stuttered. I can't lose one of the most important things to me.

"D-dal please don't make a dumb decision. C-Camryn needs you. So don't die after me." Johnny got quite and it was breaking me I actually let a tear slip.

"Your not gonna die. C'mon kid your stronger then this." I was crying uncontrollably as Johnny said his last words.

"Stay gold dally maybe watch a sunset. You were the best friend ever..." and with that I lost someone who was like a brother.

"NO JOHNNY MAN COME BACK!" I screamed losing my mind. "He was only 16. He has so much more to life." I sobbed looking at the guy that shot him.

I couldn't look at his lifeless body anymore. I got up and went to the hospital. When I entered the hospital the gang was gone.....

To be continued

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