Chapter 19

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Camryn's POV
I was having a baby girl... I can't believe it. She is going to be so beautiful. My baby is going to have the best family she could ask for.

"Baby, is Ryleigh gonna have 2 last names or is she gonna have yours?" I asked Dallas as he held me in his arms in our bed. Suddenly his hand started carefully rubbing circles on my stomach.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could get married before the baby comes so we could be a whole family you know?" Dallas wake nervously.

"Is this you asking me to be your wife?" I said not able to contain my excitement.

"Yeah I guess..." he said looking to my stomach still rubbing circles on it.

"My answer is yes then" I smiled turning myself to look at him and kiss him.

"I love you so much babygirl," Dal smiled kissing me all over my face and stomach.

"I love you more." I blushed laughing at his actions.

4 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

We finally have our wedding planed to be in the lot tomorrow night. We are currently gathering our decorations in totes so they can just be put in darry's truck in the morning and driven over to the lot.

I only have one bridesmaid and dally has like 3 grooms men. Madison is my bridesmaid... I kinda stole Two from Dal but he don't care. Dallas has steve and soda. Johnny is gonna be the flower boy and pony is gonna be our ring bearer. Darry promised me he would be the minister and get certified.

We invited Buck, Tim, and Two's family to come and enjoy the ceremony..

The next day

I have just woken up lonely in my old room I shared with my brother.

Darry came into wake me up for breakfast... Dal isn't aloud over and I'm not allowed to go help set things up because apparently a pregnant woman shouldn't do too much. Being 5 months pregnant isn't fun.

I waddled our to the dining room and sat down as Darry brought me my breakfast.

"Can I have to go in a few to drive the decorations to the lot and help the boys set up... Madi will be here with mrs. Mathews and Jordan to help you get ready." Darry said walking back to the kitchen.

"Okay sounds good." I said stuffing my face with food.

A few moments later Darry left and Madi and the Mathews got to the house. For a few hours we did our hair. Another hour took up our makeup. By 4 I was dressed and all ready to go. Madi was in a pastel yellow sun dress to match my theme. I went with gold yellow and white. Of course the guys are in black suits...

Anyway we headed to the lot and it was beautiful decorated. I ended up asking buck to fill in last minute to walk me down the isle.

I walked down the isle and got a real good look at Dallas all dressed up. He looked really and boy do I mean really hot. Once he saw me his whole face lit up with pure joy. As I got to Dallas he grabbed my hand.

"You look stunning." He said softly. As Darry began to speak.

After a while me and Dallas were now married and we had a small party then went back to bucks to sleep...

There is gonna be a time skip next chapter so be prepared. There will probably be a few more chapters till I'm completely finished.

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