Chapter 14: Trying Something New

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I woke up thinking I was back at home in the room me an Soda shared but I was wrong. I was still in Dal's room at bucks with his arm around me.

I wasn't ready to face the day so I just turned around and kissed Dally. As I did so he made a little wimper sound that made me laugh and caused Dal to open his eyes.

"W-What happened." he said quietly trying to keep from falling asleep.

"Oh nothin' just get some sleep." I smiled softly. "Imma go take a shower ok?"

"Ok but I can't sleep with out you." He said letting me get up only after attacking me with kisses.

"Oh hush you have slept just fine with out me for years." I giggled.

Once I got some clothes I went to the bathroom and locked the door that led Madison's new room. I honestly didn't lock the door to Dal's room because I don't care if he walks in.

I just turned on the water to warm it up and I saw still dressed once Dallas walked in.

"I thought you were supposed to be sleeping Dal." I smiled. Numbing to sit on the counter.

"How can I sleep when your not with me." Dally says while walking in-front of me.

"Dal what are you doing? I need a shower." I laughed sliding down from the counter. I was very close to Dallas.

"Maybe I can join ya." He quietly spoke pulling at the hem of my pajama shorts.

"But Dal we just started goin' steady..." I trailed off wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Come on beautiful it will be fun." He said trying to slip off my shorts which I allowed.

Soon he was missing a shirt and I was missing a shirt and my shorts. I slowly started kissing his neck causing him to hum slightly. I pulled off his sweats that he slept in. By the time I finally pushed in into the shower Dal and I had nothing on. We were in the shower and finishing things after a very eventful 30 minutes. I finally left him in the shower so he could wash his hair and I got dried off and put on my sweats and one of Dal's shirts for the day.

I went to lay down in the bed and layed down taking a small nap.

I woke up a little later in a cold sweat and crying. Dal had just come out of the bathroom and I assumed he was peeing. But once he saw me his face sunk.

"Babygirl what's wrong?" He questioned running to my side and hugging me.

"I-It's not-thing Dal." I said containing to shake from what I saw in my dream.

I had a dream about Johnny and Dal dying after Johnny killed bob Sheldon. Pony and Johnny ran away to a church that Dallas told them about. They were there for a week till Dallas went to see them. To my luck I was brought with him. We took the boys for food the way they ate made it look like they were starved. Anyway we went back to the church and it was on fire. My little brother was first to get up and run to the church to save some kids that were stuck shortly after him Johnny went off and I tried to go but Dallas had a firm grip on my waist. I screamed and cried for him to let me go but he wouldn't. He just parked the car and ran to open a window for the 2 boys inside. The boys saved the kids and Dallas had to pull my baby brother out of the fire. Soon the roof collapsed on Johnny and he didn't make it through the night... neither did Dallas. After a rumble pony and Dal went to see Johnny but he died while talking to pony. Dallas couldn't take it so he did something stupid and got himself killed... that's where I woke up.

"Baby it's not nothing if your crying and shaking, please just tell me." He asked me while looking into my eyes.

"Fine... but you're not gonna like it" I said pulling away from him. I told him the whole story and cried through it... I never thought I would ever see him like I saw him when I told him he left me to deal with this world alone... he just broke down in tears and hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna pass out.

Ok so I know this isn't my best chapter... this is as good as my update can be for now... next week I have a huge surprise for you all.

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