Chapter 8: new problems

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Camryn's POV
Once I ran into Steve I booted it to the lot as fast as possible. I'm really happy I'm fast like pony because I lost Steve a block from the lot. Once I got there I was panting and shaking. I got a flash back from when my parents died and I snapped. I ran to a tree to hid just in case Johnny or someone showed up and pulled out my blade that dally hadn't known about. I hid it in my shoe when I left the house. I held it to my wrist when I heard yelling. I panicked and cut a little too deep which wasn't my first time.

I got down from the tree and blood went down my arm and I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. Suddenly I threw up and the world went dark. I heard more yelling just closer too me just before I was gone.

"Camryn!" The voice yelled I just couldn't tell who.

Steve's POV

I saw Camryn getting jumped by Soc's when she started kicking their asses. Damn was she a tuff broad. I had always thought she was different then other girls. I don't think I like her but I'm not sure yet.

I was watching Camryn beat the soc right and she saw me once she was done all of a sudden she bolted. so in instinct I chased her cuz she is like my best friend kinda.

"CAMRYN! CAMRYN STOP!" I yelled far behind the brunet girl fade from view. I kept running straight thinking she just went straight. When I saw the lot come into sight I knew that was were she was and I started running faster and yelling her name.

I spotted someone falling out of a tree the all of a sudden she threw up and passed out. So when I got to her i saw it was Camryn. I was panicking when I saw blood coming out of her wrist. I saw her blade on the ground and lost it. I was crying and I never cry okay but one of my friends is hurt physically and mentally. My quick reaction was to pick her up and run to the hospital no matter how much money her family had. I didn't care. I just kept running.

Once I got to the hospital I was covered in blood and doctors looked at me like I was crazy.

"Someone please help my friend!" I yelled through my voice crack.

"Sir what happened?" A doctor asked as he helped me put Camryn on a stretcher.

"I don't know I found her in the lot bleeding out her arm." I said trying to be calm.

"Are you a family member or friend?" The doctor asked me wheeling Camryn down the hall.

"I'm her friend. Her family is at home and I can't tell them she is hurt I will break down." I stated looking at my unconscious friend.

"Now I'm sorry to say you are the one who has to tell her family. I leave you to it we have to take her into surgery so we will be a while." The doctor said as he made me stop following them.

I didn't respond I just found the nearest phone and dialed the number to the Curtis home. After 3 rings someone answered the phone.

"Hello is Darry there?" I asked the other person cuz all the guys sound the same over the phone.

"He just left for work why? Also who is this?" There was a thick accent.

"This is Steve. You need to call Darry now Camryn is in the hospital." My voice started to shake I was about to cry.

"What do you mean Camryn is in the hospital!" The new your voice said. Now I was scared cuz that told me that dally was on the other side of this phone and when is accent is so thick you can hear it over the phone he is pissed.

"Look dal I'm not to sure what happened but calm Darry and tell him and the whole gang to get down here fast" I said panicking. And with that I hung up and collapsed to the ground.

Once Darry walked into the waiting room he looked right at me and got really pissed.

"What the fuck happened Steve! Why is my kid sister in the hospital!" Darry yelled grabbing my by the collar.

"Darry please put me down. She is in surgery. She had a really bad cut in her wrist." Once I said this the look of pure horror in his face.

The door to the hospital opened again and there was the rest of the gang looking really worried.

So this is awful. I might have completely ruined this story but it's ok it might get better.

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