Chapter 42

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Omkara and Gauri reached the hotel they are staying in.

"I am tired." Omkara said landing on the bed.

"Omkaraji, first have a shower and change your clothes and then you can sleep." Gauri said.

"No, I am tired, I want to sleep. " Omkara whined.

"At Least change into something light, how can you sleep in that suit." Gauri said pulling him up from the bed, unsuccessfully.

"How cruel you are not letting your husband sleep peacefully." Omkara chided moving towards the bathroom.

Gauri giggled seeing his face.

Omkara went to take shower meanwhile Gauri was arranging all the shopping bags they brought in Paris.

Omkara came out after taking shower wearing a T-shirt and pyjama pant.

"What are you doing? " Omkara asked seeing Gauri, who was trying to keep the bags in briefcase.

"I am keeping all the things we shopped for our family members inside." Gauri said.

"You go and fresh up, I will do that work. " Omkara said taking bag from Gauri.

"It's almost over, just a few things has to be kept, I will finish that." Gauri said.

"No, it's already late, go and fresh up, while I do the packing, Go. " Omkara said pushing Gauri towards the washroom.

After a while, when Gauri came out of the washroom, she saw Omkara had done all the packing.

"See, I have packed all the things we brought. " Omkara grinned.

"Thank you, now we can sleep." Gauri said standing in front of vanity table applying lotion.

"Yes, I am sleepy. " Omkara said moving towards the bed and his leg collided with something.

"What is this bag, Gauri? " Omkara asked taking the bag from the table side.

"I brought dress for Bhaoujai, Bhavya and me, that is the bag seems like I forgot to keep them inside, give it let me keep it in." Gauri said moving towards Omkara to take the bag.

Gauri tried to take the bag but Omkara lifted it up in his hands so that Gauri couldn't reach it.

"Omkaraji, yeh kya bachpana hai, give me the bag, this is not the time to play games." Gauri said jumping to hold the bag.

"Take na, who is stopping you. " Omkara said smiling.

"How can I take it, if you keep out of my reach in that height." Gauri said keeping her hands on hips.

" It's not in height, you are short, Shortie. " Omkara laughed.

"How dare you to call me Shortie!! " Gauri said angrily.

"I said truth, Shortie."

"See, what I will do now." Gauri said and began to tickle him.

He began to laugh feeling ticklish and seeing him being distracted Gauri pulled the bag out of his hold but Omkara was quick to react catching the bag on time and pulled it towards himself.

In this process the bag got torn and the contents of the bag ended up landing on the floor.

"See, what have you done. You torn the bag and made the dresses fall on the ground. " Gauri huffed.

"Hey, you are the one who pulled the bag. " Omkara said.

"You are the one, who started this. So, you are the one who is going to clear this mess." Gauri said scolding Omkara.

"You always blame me for everything, yet everyone takes your side, hey bhagwaan, is there anyone on the earth to support me? " Omkara cried dramatically.

"Enough of your drama, keep the clothes inside the bag and sleep." Gauri said.

Sulking, Omkara lifted the dress to keep it in the bag.

Gauri was arranging the pillows when she heard Omkara call her in a shocked voice.

"What happened, Omkaraji? " She asked turning around.

"Is this what you brought?" Omkara said holding a skimpy dress shocked.

Gauri looked at the dress wide eyed, "Hey Shankerji... " She shouted seeing the dress.

She rushed to Omkara's side taking the dress in her hand and checking the other dresses in the bag. And all the dress are short and revealing.

Gauri was looking at the other dresses, when Omkara came behind her.

"I never knew my wife was this romantic and was planning to seduce me." Omkara said winking at Gauri.

"No!! Why would I do that. " Gauri shouted looking scandalized.

"Don't lie, I know you brought this dress to surprise me by wearing it. " Omkara said hitting her shoulder with his.

"I didn't brought this one, I brought long party dresses, Hey shankerji, that shopkeeper took our money and gave us this pieces of cloth. " Gauri said.

"You really didn't brought this? " Omkara asked.


"You disappointed me. " Omkara said holding his chest.

Gauri smacked his arm.

"I selected all the dresses correctly and gave them to the salesperson to pack, how did they came to us? " Gauri said trying to remember.

"May be they got confused and gave it to the wrong persons. " Omkara said.

"Yes, may be. We should return them." Gauri said.

"Why returning, they are very nice. Why can't you wear them for me." Omkara asked.

"Chiii.. Shameless, I won't wear them." Gauri said scandalized.

"Please na, for me, please wear them once. " Omkara requested.

"No... How can I. "

"Please jaan, wear it for me once." Omkara begged.

"Omkaraji, I never wore that type of clothes, I won't feel comfortable." Gauri said.

"Try now na, besides it's only me, who is going to see you in that clothes." Omkara said pushing Gauri in washroom with clothes in her hand.

"Even then I am feeling shy. " Gauri said blushing.

"There is nothing to feel shy about, you are perfect. Try to wear if you don't feel comfortable then you don't have to show me." Omkara said standing near washroom door.

Gauri nodded closing the door.

Gauri wore the dress and it was back less sticking to her like second skin and reached her mid thighs. She looked herself in the mirror and was contemplating whether to go out and show him or simply change into normal clothes. But again she decided to dare.

"Jaan, you don't have to come outside if you are not feeling... " Omkara said and stopped seeing Gauri opening the door revealing herself to him.

Omkara looked at her flabbergasted and was ogling at her. Gauri blushed under his gaze.

"You are looking hot." Omkara said once his staring session completed.

Gauri blushed.

Standing from the bed he went towards her taking her in his arms and placing a passionate yet sensual kiss on her lips which she gladly reciprocated with equal vigour. They parted gasping for air.

"Jaan, I can't wait to make you mine in all senses." Omkara said gasping for air while resting his forehead against hers.

"And I can't wait till be yours." Gauri said looking into his chocolate brown orbs.

He scooped her in his arms taking her to towards the bed in bridal style making her lay on the bed on her back.

The night witnessed the Union of two souls.

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