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Talia's POV

"I hope you all had a well rested off-season..." Laura says then does her speech.

I still don't understand why we're starting preseason so early.

"...Alright I'll see all of you for the start of pre-season tomorrow...oh Talia I need to see you before you leave."


I look at Christen and she smiles at me.

"It'll be okay." She mouths.

Everyone from the team leaves so I walk up to coach.

"Hey Talia." Coach says.

I just smile at her.

Coach talks to me about some things then lets me go home. I go to my car then head to the apartment I'm sharing with Christen and Kelley.

For some reason my parents bought me an apartment to live in during the season.

I was signed in 2019 by Utah before the season and my apartment has 3 bedrooms so I told Laura when I signed that if anybody needed a place to stay then I have two spare rooms. Kelley and Christen took me up on the offer on the condition that their significant others could stay with us when they were in town and I obviously agreed so we've been roommates ever since.

Once I get to the apartment building I park then head into the apartment only to find Christen, Kelley, and Becky waiting for me.

"You knew didn't you?" I ask.

"Congrats Talia." Becky says and hugs me.


"Am I rooming with her?" I ask and point to Kelley.

"Rude." Kelley says and pouts.

"We don't know roommates yet." Christen says.

- - - - -

"Come on Freckles." Christen says causing me to playfully scowl at her, but follow her anyways.

Christen came up with that nickname since I'm blonde with freckles.

We just arrived at the 2020 Olympic Qualifying Tournament camp and we are getting our room assignments and other stuff at the hotel in NYC. The games, at least for our group, will be played at Red Bull Arena.

"Hello ladies." Someone says.

I think her name is Jill.

"Welcome to camp...here are your room keys."

I take my key then Christen and I head up to the floor with the National Team rooms.

For some reason mine and Christen's flight was later than Becky and Kelley's.

"Are you my roommate?" I ask.

"No I'm rooming with Kelley."

"Oh...do you know who my roommate is?"

"No, but I'll go with you to find out." Christen says.

I nod then we walk to my room. I use the key card then walk into the room and see my roommate with her back to me.

"Hey." Christen says.

My roommate turns around and reveals herself to us.

"TOBY." I shout then run and hug her.

"Hey Munchkin." Tobin says and hugs back.

Since Christen lives with me during the season Tobin has stayed with us a lot and she's became a very good friend.

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