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Talia's POV

"Talia have you seen my kit bag?" Julie asks as she walks around her apartment.

We don't have a game this week so I asked Julie if I could visit her this weekend and she instantly agreed.

I like spending time with Julie.

"It's by the door Jules." I say with a smile then I pull my girlfriend onto my lap and kiss her. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Julie says and sighs. "I just want to spend as much time as I can with you and this game is getting in the way."

"I leave in two days so tomorrow we can spend the whole day on this couch watching movies, eating, cuddling and whatever else you wanna do."

"I like the sound of that." Julie says then she gets off my lap.

"Good." I say then playfully smack Julie's ass. "Now move that cute butt. I wanna watch you and it kick the Reign's ass."

"Good luck kiss?" Julie questions.

I smile then pull my girlfriend down and softly kiss her.

"Good luck beautiful." I whisper against Julie's lips. "You're gonna kill it."

"Bye Baby." Julie says and pecks my lips. "See you at the game."

Julie grabs her kit bag and leaves so I clean up around the apartment then I head to the bathroom and shower. After I'm dry, clean, and sweet smelling I change into my clothes, grab my phone and wallet, leave the apartment, lock the apartment, then head to the stadium. Once at the stadium I show the ticket people my ticket and they point me towards the seats where the non playing girls are sitting.

I get to the box right as Chicago sets off so I grab a drink and some snacks then sit in my seat away from everyone.

The whole time Julie plays I keep my eyes on her and watch her in her natural element.

Julie's seriously the most beautiful human alive.

When my girlfriend scores in the 25th minute I clap along with the other fans, but when she scores again in the 54th minute I clap even louder.

"You're Julie's girl right?" A blonde girl from next to me asks.

"I am." I say and smile.

"She talks about you a lot."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I question.

"You make her happy so..." The blonde says with a smile then shrugs.

"Your such an idiot." The brunette says then she leans over and holds her hand out to me. "I'm Mackenzie Arnold."

"Talia Martin." I say and shake hands with the brunette. "Wait aren't you Carson's girlfriend?"

"You know my girlfriend?" Mackenzie asks.

"Yeah." I say and take a drink of my Sprite. "Coach Mark from FSU had Carson talk to me during my recruitment and we still text from time to time."

"Oh cool." Mackenzie says with a smile then she nudges the blonde next to me.

"I'm Nikki Stanton." The blonde says and we shake hands.

"Nice to meet you." I say then the crowd starts cheering.

"GO BABY." Nikki yells as Sam Kerr runs at goal.

Kerr jukes Casey Murphy then passes the ball into the net.

"THAT'S MY GIRL." Nikki yells.

"Good lord Nik." Mackenzie says and rubs her ear. "Blew out my damn ear drum."

"Oops." Nikki says and shrugs.

"I now see why Julie has a new story about you two every single day." I say with a smirk.

"Aww." Nikki says and hugs Mackenzie. "Julie loves us."

"You're a dork." Mackenzie says as the ref blows for full time.

Once the game ends Julie looks up toward me and blows me a kiss so I catch it then put it to my lips which causes Julie to giggle. I then blow Julie a kiss and she catches it and puts it to her lips. My girlfriend is then pulled away by Moe and she starts signing stuff so I leave the stadium then head back to the apartment.

On my way back to the apartment I stop at a flower shop and get Julie a bouquet of her favorite flowers and some rose petals then I continue on to the apartment.

When I get to the apartment I order dinner for Julie and I then I start setting up for dinner.

I grab the rose petals and spread them from the door through the living room and into the kitchen. Next I light a few candles and put them around the kitchen then I light the three candles on the table. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door so I grab my wallet and answer the door to reveal our dinner. I pay for our dinner then I take it to the kitchen and dish it out onto plates before I cover it to keep it warm.

As I'm pouring Julie and I a drink I hear the key in the lock so I put the drink down, grab the bouquet of flowers then I stand at the end of the trail of rose petals.

"What's all this?" Julie says when she comes into the kitchen.

"Surprise." I say with a smile as Julie approaches me. "Hi beautiful."

"Hi." Julie says and passionately kisses me.

"These are for you." I say and hand Julie her flowers.

"Thank you." Julie says and blushes. "I'm gonna put these in some water."

"Do you want me to put your bag somewhere?" I ask.

"Can you just put in my room?"

"Of course." I say then grab the bag and put it in Julie's room.

"What'd you order?" Julie asks when I return to the kitchen.

"Well." I say and pull Julie's chair out. "If you would please sit I will tell you."

Julie smiles at me and sits down in the chair so I push her chair in then uncover the plates.

"You have no idea how much I've been craving this." Julie says as I sit down.

Julie and I eat our food while talking about random stuff.

"You know you've been staring at me all dinner." Julie says with a smirk.

"I can't help it." I say with a smile. "You're beautiful."

"Suck up." Julie mumbles while blushing.

"Do you want a massage?" I ask.

"I'd love one." Julie says.

"Go change into something more comfortable while I clean up then lay on the couch.

"Okay." Julie says then she leans over the table and pecks my lips.

Julie gets up and heads to her bedroom while I clean up the kitchen and blow out the candles.

Once everything is cleaned up I wait for my girlfriend.

"Baby?" Julie says from her bedroom.

"Yes beautiful?" I say.

"Please sit on the couch."

"Okay." I say then sit on the couch.

A couple seconds later Julie walks out of her bedroom in only a lace bra and shorts that show off her butt.

"Holy shit." I mumble.

"Wanna feel?" Julie asks and wiggles her butt.

"Yes please." I say.

Julie smirks at me then she walks over to me, pushes me down so I'm laying on the couch, then she straddles me and starts passionately kissing me.

Well this should be fun.

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