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Talia's POV

"Great work everyone." Jennifer, the new USWNT High performance coach, says. "I'll see everyone on the bus."

Everyone arrived to NYC yesterday for SheBelieves camp and today is fitness day and light training as well.

Jennifer walks back over to the coaching staff while the rest of us change out of our gear.

"Moonshine your phone's ringing." Julie says and hands me my phone

"Hello?" I say when I pick up the phone

"Hi is this Talia Martin."


"Hi this is Detective O'Neil from the New York Police department."

"Yes Officer?" I question and look at the team who are now looking at me

"Ms. Martin I'm sorry to say, but your Aunt and Uncle passed away today."

"W-what? How?"

"They were killed in a car accident...I'm so sorry."

"Wait what about Elena?" I question as I quickly pack my bag.

"She's fine." The officer says causing me to sigh in relief. "She wasn't with them, but we need you to come down to the court house on Lafayette Street."

"Okay what courtroom?" I ask as I begin to walk towards the Courthouse.

Jennifer decided we'd do fitness stuff at Columbus Park today before we train which thankfully is a 4 minute walk away from the courthouse.

"Court room 12."

"Thank you I'll be there soon." I say then start running.

I sprint the .2 miles from the park to the New York County Family Court, enter the court house, then run up five flights of stairs.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" Someone says.

"Court room......12." I say while catching my breath.

"Down the hall to your right 2nd door on your left."

"Thank you." I say and take off in the way the lady says.

Once I'm outside the door of courtroom 12 I compose myself then enter the court room.

"May I help you?" A bailiff asks.

"I was told to appear here regarding Elena Natalia Martin."

"MAMA." I hear my little girl yell.

I move away from the bailiff just in time for my babygirl to jump into my arms.

"Hi Baby." I say as I run my finger's through her hair.

"Mama?" Lanie whispers.

"Yes Lanie?"

"Did Uncie and Auntie go to the same place your Mommy and Daddy went?"

"Yes baby they did."

"Ms. Martin." A judge says then he motions me forward.

I walk towards the bench and stand in front of the judge.

"Your honor." I say then I hear the door behind me open so everyone in the room looks at the door

I see the whole team and coaching staff trying to sneak in the room, but failing miserably.

"Sorry about them." I say then turn around and face the judge.

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