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Talia's POV

"I guess your a butt girl too." I say as I play with Julie's hair while she rests her head on my chest.

"What can I say." Julie says then she looks at me and smiles. "Your's is amazing."

"Have you seen yours?" I question and grab Julie's butt. "It's the definition of perfect."

"Do that again and we'll be going for round 7." Julie says then she hovers over me.

"You mean...."


"Oh for fuck's sake." Julie says then she rests her head in between my breasts. "These are perfect too."

"As are yours." I say as I wrap my arms around my girlfriend then I kiss her head.

I then check the clock and see it's noon of the day after we beat Sweden. 

"Do we have to get up?" Julie questions as she looks at me.

"Unfortunately babygirl." I say. "But after we do the media stuff then you and I can hang out and sit next to each other while we watch the US gymnasts."

"I'm sitting in your lap." Julie says with a pout.

"I'd love that." I say then I kiss Julie's pout away. "I love you Julie."

"I love you Talia." Julie says with a smile.

"COME ON LOVEBIRDS." Pinoe yells and bangs on our door.

"They need to get better timing." I say.

"I know something that could cheer you up." Julie says.

"Sex?" I hopefully question, but sadly Julie gets out of bed.

"No, but if you and I shower together to save water then maybe we can have some fun."

"Ooh yes please." I say.

I roll out of bed, pick my sexy as fuck girlfriend up, and carry her to the bathroom I then set her on the counter. I turn on the shower then I stand in-between my midfielders legs and hug her.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper as I rock us back and forth. "And I am so lucky to be your soulmate."

"You know if you wanted to have sex you could of just said so." Julie says and wipes her eyes. "Didn't need to make me cry."

"I'm sorry princess." I say and wipe the stray tears away then I tap Julie's thigh's. "Wrap your legs around me."

Julie does then I pick her up and carry my girl into the shower.

"Your thigh's are also amazing as well." I say as I let Julie down.

"Maybe you can feel 'em later." Julie says with a smirk.

"Ooh yes please." I say with a smile as Julie starts washing her beautiful body.

The two of us sadly take a tame shower since we actually do have to be somewhere. When we're both clean and sweet smelling we towel off, do our morning routines, then we change into our Team USA. Once we are clothed we grab our phones, wallets, keys, and credentials then we head to the team meeting room.

"Hey Freckles." Christen says as Julie and I each grab a pre-made sandwich.

"Hey." I say.

"I'm surprised you two have voices after your all night and all day marathon." Kelley teases.

"Says the woman who forgot to close her door while getting with her wife." I say.

"KELLEY." Alex shouts as I grab a drink.

"Sorry." Kelley says.

"Not like I haven't seen it before." I say and sit down next to Julie then we start eating.

"What? When?" Kelley questions.

"You don't lock your door in Utah." I say. "And one day I was trying to alert you that dinner was ready, but well you were already eating."

"OH MY GOD." Pinoe shouts as everyone laughs.

"Start. Locking. The. Damn. Door. Or. No. More. Sex." Alex's says as she slaps Kelley's arm.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." Kelley says. "Stop hitting me."

"Why do you think I knock everytime your door is closed." I say.

"Oh." Kelley says.

"Alright ladies." Aaron says and turns on the projector. "We have your different Media assignments for today so if you'll please look at the screen then get with your groups."

I along with everyone else look at the screen and try to find my name.

Official Olympic press conference: Alex Morgan, Christen Press, Talia Martin, and Morgan Brian.

"See you later." I say and peck Julie's lips.

"Bye T." Julie says.

"Come on Blondie." Alex says.

"Coming." I say and follow the three older women out of the meal room.

The four of us head down to a van then we make the 15 minute drive over to the Press Center. Once at the Press Center we get out and head into the building then we are lead to a press room. The four of us then sit down behind our name plates and get ready to answer the questions.

"Talia are you nervous to potentially face your cousin in the semi finals?"

"I'm not worried about that just yet." I say. "We have to face a very good Japan side which will be a very difficult challenge, especially since they're the hosts."

That's the only question I'm asked so I zone out while the other girls answer their multitude of questions.

When the girls finish answering their questions we head to a staging room as we wait for our van to arrive. The four of us talk for a little bit until I hear my phone ring.


"Talia?" Julie whimpers into the phone.

"Julie what's wrong?" I say then I check the date on my phone. "Is aunt flow here?"

"Yeah." Julie mumbles.

"Okay baby." I say. "I'll get you some things then I'll be at the room to make you feel all better."

"Love you." Julie cutely says.

"I love you too baby." I say then we hang up

"Come on Talia." Moe says and leads me and the other girls towards a van. "Let's go help your JuJu Bear."

The four of us head to the van then we make our way towards the Olympic Village. I request that we stop at the Japanese version of Walgreens and we do so I grab some stuff to make Julie feel better then I get back in the van and we finish the rest of the drive.

After we get back at the Olympic Village the four of us head up to our floors then we head into our rooms. Once in my room I see Julie under the covers.

"Hi Baby." I softly say and set the bag of things down on the desk in the room.

"Hi." Julie says as she peeks out from the covers.

"Can I get in the bed with you?" I question.

"Yes please." Julie says and scoots towards the middle of the bed.

I smile at my overly cute girlfriend as I kick off my shoes then I walk over to the bed, get under the covers, and slide behind my girlfriend.

"Hey baby girl." I say then kiss the back of Julie's neck while pulling the covers over us.

"Hi." Julie says. "It hurts."

"I know baby." I say and start rubbing Julie's stomach. "But I'm not leaving you until you're all better."

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