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Talia's POV

"Come on locker mate." Alex says as we walk to the locker room.

We play France today.

Once in the locker room I remove my three necklaces and place them safely in my bag. I then change into my warm up shirt, game shorts, my right sock, my left sock, my right red boot, and lastly my left red boot. After that's done I look over at Christen then furrow my eyebrows.

Christen notice me looking at her so she comes over to me.

"What's wrong?" Christen whispers.

"I just realized Amy isn't here to do my hair." I whisper.

Somehow last year Amy started doing my hair before every match in the same way she does hers.

"I can try and do it" Christen says.

"It's fine." I say. "I guess I'll have to get use to her not being here someday."

Christen sadly smiles at me then she returns to her locker.

A minute later I follow the rest of the starters out onto the pitch and go through the warm up stuff Dawn puts us through. After our warm ups are done all of us head back to the locker rooms and take off our warm up shirts then put on our white top's and wait to head to the tunnel. Once we are allowed to go to the tunnel I follow the starters to the tunnel then get in my spot behind Alex.

A minute later we are led onto the field so I follow Alex onto the field and stand next to her during the anthems. Once the anthems are done the French walk by us and shake hands then we shake the refs hands and take a team picture. After the picture is done everyone gets to their positions then a few seconds later France kick off the game.

The first 20 minutes of the game are a bit boring with both teams trying to figure out each other's weakness'

In the 21st minute Henry tries to play a ball through to Le Sommer, but Becky intercepts the pass then she dribbles forward a bit before she passes to me. As the ball leaves Becky's foot I quickly look to my left and see a French player coming towards me which leaves Lindsey free so I look back at the ball. When the ball gets to me I one touch it through the French players legs, sending it to Lindsey, then I spin the French player and sprint up the sideline. Lindsey sees my run so she plays the ball ahead of me allowing me to run onto the ball.

As I sprint with the ball Renard starts running with me and she tries to shove me off the ball. We battle for about ten yards, but eventually I kick the ball forward then sprint after it leaving the older defender in my dust causing the crowd to cheer. When I reach the ball again on the side of the 18 yard box I look up and see basically the whole team streaming into the box. I put my head down then float a cross into the box, but as soon as I hit it I realize it's going to be off target.

Lindsey jumps to get her head on the ball, but it hits the other French center-back in the head. The ball ricochets out of the box and falls at Henry's feet who then turns and sprints upfield. I then look up and see only Becky and Abby back to defend against the French attack so I sprint back towards our half.

Henry plays a through ball to Le Sommer who charges ahead and takes on Abby. As I pass our half off the center circle Le Sommer megs Abby and drives toward goal as Becky comes over to stop the French woman so I put my head down and sprint towards the box. When I see the semi-circle on top of the 18 yard box I look up and see Le Sommer created just enough space to shoot and right as she does I start sliding into the open space between the French forward and the goal. The shot gets by Becky, but luckily I timed my slide correctly so the ball hits my leg and ricochet's out for a corner.

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