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Talia's POV

"Hey Freckles." Christen says as she gets in my car at Newark Airport.

"Hey Christen." I say as the other three ladies get into my car.

"Hi Blondie."

"Hey Munchkin."

"Sup Talia."

"Hi Alex, Hey Tobs, Hi Kelley." I say then I start heading for home.

"Who's already here?" Tobin asks.

"Becky and Carli drove up here and they picked up Ash and Ali from the Airport an hour ago then they drove to our place" I say.

"Are you expecting anybody else?" Alex asks.

"I wasn't expecting any of you to come." I admit.

"Why wouldn't we?" Christen asks.

"It's just another game."

"And it's also your 100th cap celebration for New York." Kelley says.

"Still." I say. "I don't see the point of having this celebration thing...Now celebrating the national team caps I understand."

"How many are you on for the national team?" Tobin asks.

"102." I say.

"And you're only 25?" Kelley questions and I nod. "No offense, but how?"

"After I started that game against Canada in January of 2020 I only missed the game against Argentina after the ESPY's in 2020." 

"Have you even been subbed out of a game for the national team?" Alex questions.

"I think so." I say. "I can't remember when, but I'm sure I have."

"How long do you think you'll keep playing for?" Christen asks.

"No clue." I say. "Maybe till Lanie's on the team."

"That'd be kinda cool to see." Kelley says.

I nod then we talk about some other things for the rest of the ride home.

Once at the house I park out front, the four guests get their bags, then we head into the house

When we walk into the house I hear a very panicked yell come from the living room.


"WHAT?" I shout as I run towards the yell.

When I get to the living room I see Ali and Becky comforting Julie.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My stomach." Julie says while sobbing then my wife looks up at me. "Something's wrong T."

"Ash catch." I say then toss her the keys to my car. "Go start it."

Ash and Ali run out of the house as I pick my wife up then I carry her out of the house and sit her in the back seat. After Julie is secure I run around the car, get in the driver seat, then race up 6 blocks to the nearest hospital.

When we get to the hospital I pull up close to the emergency room then I get out of the car and get Julie out of the car.

"Oh fuck." I mumble when I see blood where Julie was sitting.

"It hurt's T." Julie whimpers so I carry my wife into the ER. 


"Put her on here." A woman in a doctor's jacket says as he pulls up a gurney.

I put Julie onto the gurney then walk with her as she's wheeled through the ER.

"What's going on?" The doctor asks.

"My wife's pregnant and she's having pains in her stomach." I say. "I also saw blood on the seat in the car when we got out."

"FUCK." Julie screams as she's wheeled into a private room.

Once in the private room I back away and let the doctor do her thing.

"T it hurts so bad." Julie whimpers.

"I wish I could take the pain away babygirl." I say as I stroke Julie's face.

"What's going on?" Someone says as they walk in the room

"Dr. Hart what are you doing here?" I question.

"I was visiting someone her when I heard you guys arrived." Julie's OBGYN says. "So what's going on."

The ER doctor points to the ultrasound screen so Dr. Hart looks at it and does somethings with the imager then she looks at Julie and I.

"I'm so sorry." Dr. Hart says.

"No." Julie says.

"I'm so sorry." Dr. Hart says again then she sighs. "Julie you're bleeding a lot more than you should be so we're going to need to operate and see what's wrong."

"Whatever." Julie mumbles.

"Talia you'll need to wait somewhere else." Dr. Hart says.

I nod then I kiss my wife and tell her I love her before I leave the room. Once out of the room I'm lead to a waiting room where Christen, Tobin, Becky, Carli, Kelley, Alex, Ash, Ali, and Lanie are waiting. After I'm in the room I head to the farthest away chair then slump down into the chair and stare at the ground.

"Talia your clothes have blood on them." Kelley says.

"Who gives a fuck." I mumble.

"Auntie Ashy?" Lanie says.

"Yes sweetie?"

"I'm hungry."

"Alright Sweetie." Ash says then she picks my daughter up. "Let's go see what this place has to eat."

"I'll come with you." Carli says.

Once Ash, Carli, and Lanie leave the other 6 ladies come and sit around me.

"What's going on Talia?" Christen asks.

"Julie had a miscarriage." I say.

"Oh Talia." Christen says then she pulls me into her arms. "I'm so sorry."

"Mommy we found food." Lanie says.

"That's good babygirl." I say then the door to the room opens wider.

"Ms. Martin." A nurse says then I stand up. "They didn't have to operate so they finished everything and your wife is asking for everyone."

I nod then we grab our stuff and follow the nurse out of the waiting room and up to Julie's room.

Once in Julie's room I sit on the side of her bed then kiss my wife.

"You want me to tell Lanie?" I question

"Yeah." Julie says.

"Come here Lanie" I say then Christen sets Lanie in my lap.

"Hi Mommy." Lanie says

"Hi baby." Julie says.

"Lanie I need to tell you something." I say.


"Sweetie...you're not gonna have a baby brother anymore."

"Oh." Lanie says then she shrugs. "Well that's okay."

"It is?" Julie asks.

"Gramps always says things happen for a reason." Lanie says. "Maybe it's just supposed to be the three of us right now."

"When did you get so wise?" I question.

"Always have been." Lanie says.

Lanie then holds her hands out to her Mommy so I lay her on Julie's chest.

"It's okay Mommy." Lanie says then she kisses Julie's nose. "Everything will be okay."

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