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Talia's POV

"They hate me." I mumble.

"No they don't Talia." Julie whispers as we walk into the locker room. "They want to talk to you, but I told them to save it till after the game so we can be focused."

I haven't spoken to any of the girls besides Julie since the ESPY's.

"Okay." I mumble as we get to our locker room.

Once in our locker room I sit in my locker and rest while the girls change since I'm not playing.

We play Argentina today in our last game before we head off to Tokyo for the Olympics. Jill decided to give me the game off since the ESPY's emotionally drained me so she's listed me as unavailable due to exhaustion.

After all the girls are dressed they head out to the pitch so I walk out after them and when I get out of the tunnel I put on my sunglasses. I then stand off to the side and watch the girls warm up.

When everyone finishes their warm ups we head back to the locker room and everyone changes into their jersey's.

Jill and the coaching staff do their last minute team talks then I, along with the other subs, head to the bench and I sit on the last seat of the top row.

A minute later the two teams come out of the tunnel and the pregame festive happen then we kick off the game.

"Let's go Freckles." Christen says.

"Huh?" I question and look up at the forward.

"Games over." Christen says as we walk towards the tunnel.

"Oh." I say and follow the brunette. "Guess I tuned everything out.

"You did." Christen says as we get to the tunnel.

Once we're away from the camera's Christen stops me walking then she pulls me down and kisses my cheek.

"We aren't hurt, mad, or upset with you." Christen says then she hugs me. "We want to talk to you about everything so we'll talk after you have dinner with Julie's family."

"Okay." I say.

Christen and I walk into the locker room and I sit in my locker while everyone changes.

"Hey Blondie?" Alex says from the locker next to mine.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I forgot my lady products and Kelley said you always keep some of hers on hand and well we use the same kind so..."

"I got you." I say and open my bag then hand Alex the lady products. "Here you go."

"You carry around spare stuff for Kelley?" Lindsey questions.

"And for Christen."

"Why?" Moe questions.

"I always have since they have a lot on their plate and it's easy to forget to bring them when we go on the road." I say.

"Well then."


"See ya." I say and grab my stuff then head to the bus.

Once on the bus I head to Julie and I's row then I sit in the seat next to the window and wait for my girlfriend to arrive.

"Hey T." Julie says as she sits next to me

"Hey Jules." I say then kiss my girlfriends head as everyone files on the bus.

After everyone gets on the bus we head back to the hotel then I head up to our room to shower while Julie does her recovery.

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