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Talia's POV

"This feels so good." Kelley moans

"So so good." Christen moans.

"God can you too stop moaning." I say as I check the food on the grill. "I hear you two moaning enough in Utah. I don't need to hear it in my own home."

"SOWWY." Kelley shouts like the child she is.

"How are you older than me?" I mumble.


"How's it looking?" Ash asks as she hands me a soda.

"Pretty good." I say and turn everything on the grill over.

"Talia do you have more beer?" Kelley asks from the hot tub.

"Kelley you've already had three." Alex says. "I'm pretty sure Talia wouldn't appreciate you being sick in her house."

"As long as you don't puke in my bed and I don't have to clean up after you then I don't care." I say as Julie brings out some plates. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Julie says then she kisses my cheek causing me to blush.

"Aww Freckles." Christen teases. "You're blushing."

"So?" I say. "A pretty girl kissed my cheek so I think I'm aloud to blush."

"Aww Blondie." Alex says and squishes my cheeks. "You think Julie's pretty."

"I mean have you seen her?" I say then look at my soulmate. "She's absolutely breathtaking."

"Aww now Julie's blushing." Moe teases.

"Oh like you wouldn't if Alyssa kissed your cheek." Julie says.

"Let's see." Alyssa says then she kisses Moe's cheek. "You do blush, but it's cute so I'll keep doing it."

"Stop." Moe softly says while blushing still.

"DINNER'S READY." I shout then everyone comes and gets what they want from the grill.

Once everyone has their food we sit around the patio and watch some basketball game on the big screen tv while talking about random stuff.

"I still find it weird we're playing some of the teams you played at the World Cup." I say then take a bite of my burger.

We're playing France, England, and Germany in the SheBelieves Cup.

"It'll be good to play England before the Olympics." Carli says.

"How does that work?" I ask and everyone looks at me. "Like are there certain players per country that have to be in the Team GB team?"

"I think they may have to have at least one player from each nation in the team." Becky says. "But I'm not sure."

"So Corsie could play?"

"Yeah she could." Becky confirms.


"Talia I don't mean to be rude, but how did you afford your house?" Pinoe asks.

"Um....My parents left it to me in their will." I say.

"Their will?" Sam asks and I nod.

"Sorry." Pinoe sheepishly says.

"It's okay." I say.

"HOW DID YOU MISS?" Tobin yells at the tv then she looks at us. "Sorry."

Everyone returns to their previous conversation while I finish off my food. After I finish my food I take my plate and put it in the dishwasher then I clean off the grill. Once the grill is clean I head up to my room and shower then after I'm clean I get in bed and watch tv for a while.

2 hours later Becky, Kelley, and Christen come into the room and one by one they shower then get in bed.

I'm in the middle of the bed with Kelley and Christen on either side of me and Becky is on the other side of Kelley.

I've learned that Kelley and Christen are very cuddly when they sleep.

My three club teammates swiftly fall asleep, but I can't sleep so after an hour of staring at the ceiling I slip out of the grasps of Kelley and Christen, grab my phone, then I head to my music room. When I get to my music room I grab my guitar then head to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I make a bowl of cereal, grab the bowl of cereal, grab my guitar and phone, then head out and sit on a chair on the deck attached to the floor with the kitchen.

I sit alone outside for a while eating my cereal then once I finish the cereal I put the bowl then start randomly strumming my guitar for a while until the door opens and someone sits down next to me.

"It's beautiful here at night." Ash says.

"mhmm." I mumble and stop strumming my guitar.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Something like that."

The two of us sit in silence for a while looking at the stars until Ash speaks up.

"Why are you up?" The older woman asks.

"Why are you up?" I ask.

"I needed water."

"And I was hungry." I say.

"Now what's the real reason you are out here." Ash asks making me sigh.

"Just thinking about everything that's happened since my parents died." I admit.

"Enlighten me."

"Well they died in May of last year so since then I got the starting Left back spot in Utah, signed a five year extension with Utah, got sober from an addiction, made the national team, played a game for the national team, started a game for the national team, and had three assists in one game for the national team." I ramble.



"I wasn't supposed to say that."

"It's not my place to tell Talia." Ash says. "If you don't want to tell me then that's fine."

"Xanax." I mumble then look at the Pride keeper. "I was addicted to Xanax...and you can tell Ali since I know you don't keep secrets from each other."

"Alright...how long have you been sober?"

"Seven months."


"Not really something I'm proud of, but thanks." I say.

"Why?" Ash asks.

"Just not proud that I had to get sober."

"Not many people are." Ash says. "But it's a good thing you are sober because now you'll be a better person for it and a better partner for your soulmate...trust me."

"Julie doesn't even know about my sobriety."

"She doesn't need to know right now."

"She will eventually."

"If you want to tell her then that is your choice, but you shouldn't tell her because you have too. You should tell her because you want to."

"That'll be a while." I say and gather my cereal bowl, phone, and guitar. "Goodnight Ash."

"Night." Ash says and returns to her room.

I put my cereal in the dishwasher then I head to my music room and put my guitar up. After that's done I head back up to my room and once in my room I plug my phone into the charger then crawl back into bed.

"Where'd you go?" Christen mumbles as she and Kelley cuddle back into my sides.

"Went and ate some cereal." I whisper then kiss Christen's head. "Good night Christen."

"Night Freckles." Christen says then I kiss Kelley's head.

"Night Kelley."

"Night night Talia." Kelley mumbles as Becky wraps an arm around her.

"Goodnight Becky." I whisper.

"Goodnight Talia." Becky says and squeezes my hand. "We got you."

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