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Talia's POV

"Mom we're here." Lanie says so I open my eyes and come face to face with the stadium we'll be playing in today.

Today's the 2035 World Cup Final and we're playing in FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Today's also the last tournament game I'll be playing with the national team since I'm retiring from professional football at the end of the NWSL Season.

As well at it being my last National Team tournament game I'm also the last remaining player from the 2023 World Cup winning squad which means that if we win today then I will be the only person ever, men or women, to have won four world cups.

Mal, Rose, Sam, Lindsey, Tierna, and Sonnett all retired after the 2028 Olympics while Hailie, and Jaelin retired after we beat the Dutch to win the 2031 World Cup because they wanted to have families with their respective soulmates.

"Ready Mom?" Lanie asks.

"Yep." I say then I get out of my seat and follow my daughter off the bus, into the stadium, and to the locker room

When we get into the locker room I head to my locker, remove my three necklaces and my ring, then I place them safely in my bag before I start to change. I then change into my warm up shirt, game shorts, my right sock, my left sock, my right red boot, and lastly my left red boot. After that I put my hair into my normal game hairstyle then I walk over and check the line up for today's game.

1-Anna Hill
11-Sophie Harris
4-Riley Lloyd
7-Kate Wiesner
14-Talia Martin (C)
8-Lanie Martin
6-Katie Marshall
10-Georgia Lloyd
13-Lucy O'Hara
12-Cara Heath
20-Ruby Hudson

"Hey Cap." Kate says and wraps an arm around me. "Watcha lookin at?"

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact I'm playing with the children of my former teammates." I admit.

Ash and Ali have 3 kids who are all adopted and their eldest, Sophie Harris, is 20 and is our starting right back. She also wears Ali's number.

Tobin and Christen have 2 biological twin 8 year olds, a boy and a girl, and one adopted kid, Cara Heath, who is 19 and one of our starting forwards. Cara wears number twelve because it has the first number of her parents numbers combined.

Kelley and Alex have 3 biological children, 2 boys and a girl, and an adopted girl who they rescued from a fire and proceeded to adopt. Lucy O'Hara is a 19 year old forward and she wears Alex's number.

Becky and Carli have 4 adopted kids and the two eldest are 18 year old twins and they are both on the team.

I didn't expect Becky and Carli to want so many kids, but it suits them. 

Riley Lloyd is one of our starting center backs and she wears Becky's number. Georgia Lloyd is one of our starting midfielders and she wears Carli's number.

Lanie's 17 now and even she plays with us now. She took after Julie and is an amazing CDM if I do say so myself. She also wears Julie's number.

If you couldn't already tell, our coach likes to play the youngsters.

"LET'S GO LADIES." One of the coach's shout then everybody heads out to warm up.

The starters and I warm up for a while then we're told to head inside, but I make a pit stop at the friends and family section.

"Hey Freckles." Christen says.

"Hey Christen." I say with a smile.

"The kids being good?" Tobin asks.

"You know them." I say and everyone laughs. "Bunch of wild children."

"Mama." Lukas says then my son waves at me.

"Hi sweetie." I say then I lean up and kiss my sons cheeks.

"SISSY." Madeleine shouts

"Hey Madi." Lanie says as she walks up to me.

Lanie and I hug the rest of our family members then I kiss my wife before we head into the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into our white jersey. After I'm dressed I wait around in my locker as the coaching staff do their last minute talks then the starters and I head to the tunnel and I line up at the front of the line.

A minute later we are lead out for the anthems so I stand in my position and listen to the anthems.

As our anthem plays I get emotional, for the first time ever, and let a few tears slip

Once the anthems end we shake hands with our opponents and the refs, take a team photo, then I do the captain stuff.

"Hey Jessie." I say and shake hands with the Canadian Captain.

"Hey Talia."

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yeah." Jessie says. "You?"

"I am." I say with a smile then Jessie and I do the coin toss.

Once the coin toss ends I head to my team and we do the team huddle. After the team huddle I head to my position and get ready for the game.

"LET'S FUCKING GO." Lucy O'Hara yells.

"LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY." Kelley shouts causing me to laugh then I let out a deep breath

I'm gonna miss this.

- - - - -

"MAMA WE WON." Lanie shouts after the final whistle.

We won 3-1 with Lucy getting 2 goals and Cara getting

"Yeah baby." I say and hug my daughter. "We did."

Lanie and I hug for a while then my 'nieces' join the hug. My 'nieces' and Lanie then head over to their parents while I take some time to myself as the podium is set up.

Once the podium is set up they star announcing the awards so I head up onto the podium when my name is called out for the golden ball.

After all the photos are taken with the trophy I head over to the team as Canada are getting their medals then I follow the team onto the podium to get our medals.

Once I have my medal I'm handed the World Cup trophy for the fourth time in a row then I walk over to the front of the team. We then do that traditional 1,2,3, bounce thing before I lift the trophy causing confetti to rain down.

Lanie and I take pictures with the trophy then I let the other's have the trophy before I walk over to the friends and Family area.

"Hey Moonshine." Julie says with a smile.

I smile at my wife of 11 years then I lean over the barrier and kiss her.

"You sure you're ready to retire?" Julie questions.

"Yeah." I say as I look at our 10 year old triplets. "I'm ready to be home."

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