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Talia's POV

"I finished Mama." Lanie says as we pull up to BBVA Stadium.

"Did you like it?" I ask as I put Lanie's book back in my bag.

"Mhmm." Lanie says.

"Good." I say then I kiss my Daughter's head. "We'll go to the bookstore when we get back home."

"Okay Mama." Lanie says as the bus stops.

When the bus comes to a complete stop everyone gathers their things then we get off the bus and head to the locker room. Once in the locker room I remove my three necklaces and my ring then I place them safely in my bag before I start to change. I then change into my warm up shirt, game shorts, my right sock, my left sock, my right red boot, and lastly my left red boot. After that I head to Julie's locker then sit down on the floor in-between her legs.

"Hey Beautiful." Julie says and starts running her fingers through my hair.

"Hi Jules." I say then let Julie do her thing.

Julie runs her fingers through my hair for a little bit before she puts part of my hair in a braid then she puts my hair into a pony tail.

"Thanks." I say and hug one of Julie's legs. "Love you."

"Love you Moonshine." Julie says then she kisses my head.

Once Julie's done I get off the floor then head over to the line up board to check it over

1-Alyssa Naeher
5-Kelley O'Hara
7-Abby Dahlkemper
4-Becky Sauerbrunn
14-Talia Martin (C)
8-Julie Johnston
3-Sam Mewis
9-Lindsey Horan
17-Tobin Heath
13-Alex Morgan
23-Christen Press

After I've checked over the line up I head out to the pitch with the rest of the team. When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters then head back to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into our green jersey. After I'm dressed I wait around in my locker as the coaching staff do their last minute talks then the starters and I head to the tunnel and I line up at the front of the line. A minute later we walk out onto the pitch, stand for a bit, shake hands with the Canadians then we do our team photo.

Once our Photo is done I walk over to the ref and shake hands with her then shake hands with the Canadian Capitan.

"Jessie." I say with a smirk.

"Talia." Jessie Fleming says with a smirk then we do the coin toss.

Canada win so they decided to stay on the same side while we take the ball first.

"Good Luck T." Jessie says.

"You too JFlem." I say then we return to our teams.

We better win.

- - - - -

"Are you and Sophie staying in New York or heading back to Canada?" I question as I stand at midfield after we've won the game.

We won 3-1 with Christen getting two goals and Moe getting a goal for us with all assists coming from myself. Janine Beckie scored for Canada off an assist from a defender.

"Sophie finally got that lead anesthesiologist job at Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hospital so we're staying in New York." Jessie says and smiles at the mention of her wife.

Jessie met her soulmate in New York back in 2020 during the Olympic qualifiers and they got married in New York a couple weeks before the NWSL Season started.

Jessie's wife, Sophie Fleming, is a certified genius. She graduated High school at 14 and a year ago she finished her schooling at age 23 and is now the lead anesthesiologist at a children's hospital.

"Awesome." I say. "We'll have to get together for dinner sometime."

"Sounds good." Jessie says.

"AUNTIE JESSIE." Lanie yells as she runs towards me and Jessie.

When Lanie gets to us she jumps into Jessie's arms and hugs the Canadian.

"Hi Lanie Poo." Jessie says.

"Are you and Aunt Sophie coming over soon?" Lanie asks.

"We'll see Munchkin." Jessie says. "Maybe if you ask your Mama really nicely shell let Sophie and I take you out for a day."

"Please Mama." Lanie begs. "Please."

"Sure Princess." I say and take my daughter into my arms. "Let Mommy and I see what day works then we'll set it up."

"Sounds good." Jessie says.

Jessie and I hug then I head into the locker room.

When I get into the locker room I change out of my kit and into my street clothes. After I'm dressed I put my necklaces back on then I sling my back over my shoulder and hold hands with my daughter. The two of us then leave the locker room and head to the bus. Once on the bus we sit next to Julie and sit in silence the whole ride back to the hotel.

After we get back to the hotel everyone heads to their rooms and once in our room I head to the bathroom and change out of my clothes.

"What the?" I mumble as I take off my bra. "That's not normal."

I quickly put my shirt on then leave the room and head to one of the staff members rooms.

"Hey Talia." Jennifer says when she opens the door. "What's up?"

"Do you have a minute?" I question.

"Sure." Jennifer says then she opens her door wider. "Come on in."

I walk into Jennifer's room then she closes the door and we sit on the beds.

"I didn't really know who to come to for this, but I found a lump on my breast." I say.

"A lump?" Jennifer asks for clarification and I nod. "Alright let me call Sandra down since she knows more about this stuff then me."

Sandra's our team doctor.

Jennifer texts Sandra and a few minutes later the 50 year old blonde woman arrives.

"What's going on T?" Sandra questions.

"I found a lump on my breast." I say.

"Do you mind if I take a look?" Sandra questions.

"Sure." I say then I take off my shirt.

I point to the spot I found the lump at then Sandra feels it out.

"What?" I question when Sandra smiles at me.

"It's just a contusion sweetie." Sandra says.


"Do you remember when you and Zadorsky went up for the header earlier?" Jennifer questions as I put my shirt back on.

"Oh yeah." I say.

"She did elbow you right there."

"I forgot about that."

"Well it's better to be safe than sorry."

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