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Julie's POV

"Julie Stop teasing." Talia semi begs as I continue to brush her pussy with my knee.

"Is someone wet?" I innocently ask then I continue kiss Talia's boobs.

"Yes." Talia says and runs her hands through my hair.

"Maybe I can help."

I squat down in front of my girl then take a long, slow, teasing lick of my girlfriend's pussy.

"You taste amazing babygirl." I say then dive into Talia's Pussy.

"Holy fuck." Talia quickly says then tangles her hand in my hair. "Don't you fucking stop."

I smile against Talia's lips then add two fingers into her cunt and pump in and out o her delicious pussy while continuing to taste my girlfriend.

"Julie." Talia moans after what feels like an hour, but I'm not complaining.

Knowing my girl needs to cum I hum against her lips and a second later Talia floods my face with her juices. I slow down my finger thrusts and help Talia ride out her high then I clean her pussy up.

"You really know how to make a girl cum." Talia says as I grab the strap-on reserved for Talia's pussy.

I put on the strap-on then I get on the bed and run the dildo through Talia's wet folds until the dildo is fully coated. I then hover over my defender and kiss her while I guide my strap-on into her pussy causing Talia to moan into the kiss. I then start thrusting in and out of my girlfriend's pussy.

"You're so beautiful." I say while playing with my defender's clit as I rapidly pump in and out of her delicious pussy.

"Baby...I'm close."

Damn already?

"Cum for me baby." I admit.

"JJ." Talia moans as she floods my legs with her juices.

Watching my defender cum is the sexiest thing ever.

I help Talia ride out her high then I pull out of her pussy. Once I've pulled out of Talia she flips around so I can fuck her from the back.

"Hey Talia?"

"What?" Talia moans as I tease her entrance.

"I love you." I say as I guide my strap-on into my defender.

"I love you too." Talia moans. "I'd also love it if you started fucking me."

"Oh you mean like this?" I question and guide the strap on into Talia's pussy then I start driving the dildo in and out of my girl.

"Just like that." Talia moans as I speed up my thrusts.

As I make love to my girl I lean on her back, move Talia's hair to one side, grab a hold of her boobs, then ghost my lips over her ear.

"I love you babygirl." I easily admit as I continue to drive the dildo in and out of her pussy. "You are the love of my life and i'm so happy I met you. I'm so happy I get to make love to you for the rest of time."

"I love you too baby." Talia moans as I hit her g-spot then she turns her head and softly kisses me. "Baby I need to cum.

"Cum for me baby." I say as Talia rests her head on the pillow. "Cum for me and let the whole world know who makes you feel good."

"JULIE." Talia screams in ecstasy into the pillow.

I help my girlfriend ride out her orgasm then I slowly pull out of her pussy.

"Julie?" Talia softly says.

"Yeah baby?" I ask while looking down at my soulmate.

"I'm ready."

"Ready for what T?"

"I'm ready for you to have my ass." Talia says causing my eyes to widen.

Obviously Talia and I have done butt stuff before, but when it comes to dildo's it's normally Talia fucking me which I love.

Talia has always said she's wanted to try it, but for some reason she's scared to do it.

"Are you sure baby?"

"I trust you." Talia says with a smile.

I peck Talia's lips then I get off the bed and walk over to the suitcase. Once at the suitcase I remove the dildo I just used for Talia's pussy then I grab the unused dildo we have for Talia's butt. I then put the dildo in the harness before I walk back to my girlfriend.

"What position do I get in?" Talia asks.

"How about you ride me." I say. "That away you can control the pace you want and how much you want inside you."

Talia nods so I lay on the bed then my girlfriend straddles me. A minute later my girlfriend guides the strap-on into her ass then she leans forward and rests her hands on my boobs.

"You ready?" I ask and Talia nods then she starts slowly bouncing up and down on the fake dick.

Talia takes it nice and slow and continues bouncing on the fake dick as I enjoy watching my girlfriend's boobs bounce up and down while I play with Talia's clit.

"You okay T?" I ask.

"Fucking great." Talia moans as she picks up her pace.

"You look so beautiful." I say.

"Julie?" Talia questions.

"Do you need to cum babygirl?" I question and Talia quickly nods her head. "Cum whenever you want to baby.

Sometime later Talia floods my lap with her juice then she slows her movement until her orgasm subsides. Once the orgasm does subside Talia raises up then I guide the dildo out of her ass. I then take off the harness and throw it somewhere in the room as Talia cuddles with me.

"Next time I wanna let you fuck me." Talia says

"I tell you what." I say as Talia rests her head on my boob. "You score in every game you play in the World Cup and I'll fuck you all night long."

"Oh you got yourself a deal." Talia says then she softly kisses me. "Thank you."

"For what?" I question.

"You knew I was nervous to try that, but you did everything in your power to make it the best thing ever."

"I'd do it again in a heart beat."

"Maybe tomorrow." Talia cheekily says. "Right now my body needs a long rest."

"Alright Moonshine." I say as I cover us with the covers. "Let's get some sleep."

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