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Talia's POV

"Talia it's your turn to shower." Kelley says causing me to look at her with a full mouth. "Yes I know you're still eating, but your the only one of us who hasn't showered yet so move your butt."

"Yes Ma'am." I mumble then walk into the bathroom.

When I get into the bathroom I strip out of my clothes then take a shower and wash my hair and body. After I'm clean I dry myself off then blow dry my hair and straighten it. Once my hair is done I put on my robe then I leave the bathroom, sit in a chair, and let Ali do my make up.

"And done." Ali says when she finishes my make up.

"Thank you." I say and smile at the right back.

"Of course." Ali says then she starts her make up.

While Ali and the other girls get their make up done I finish eating my sandwich. Once everyone has their make up on we all put our dresses on then we do last minute touch ups. After that I hug Christen one last time then I, along with the other bridesmaids head to the meeting point to meet Tobin's bridesmaids.

Lindsey and I wait for the other bridesmaids to walk then we walk up the aisle to Tobin.

When we get to the alter I nod at Tobin then Lindsey and I part ways and a couple seconds later the here comes the bride music. Christen is escorted down the aisle by her dad then they stop at the end of the aisle and Christen's dad places her hand in Tobin's. Tobin leads my best friend  to the alter then Christen hands me her bouquet.

The service goes pretty quickly, but that may be just for me because i'm just looking at the smile on my Christen's face.

I also look at the dress Christen's wearing and admire the details Tobin put into it since she designed the dress.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Oregon I now have the honor of announcing you as a married couple for the first time...Tobin and Christen you may now kiss your bride." The officiant says.

Tobin and Christen smile then Christen pulls Tobin into a very passionate kiss as everyone claps. When Tobin and Christen pull away for air I hand Christen her bouquet then they walk down the aisle. A couple seconds later the rest of the wedding party file down the aisle then we follow the newlyweds over to where we are taking pictures.

The wedding party takes way too many pictures then we head to the reception area. When we get to the reception area the wedding party is introduced then I head over to Christen's bridesmaids table and sit down next to Julie.

"Red looks good on you." Julie says then she pecks my lips.

"Please welcome Christen and Tobin Heath." The MC says and everyone claps as they walk to the dance floor.

Everyone watches the two newlyweds dance then we get our food and start eating while talking. After everyone has finished eating Lindsey makes her Maid of honor speech then I make my maid of honor speech.

After our speech's all the un married ladies, except myself, head to the dance floor then Christen throws her bouquet and you'll never guess who caught it.

Kelley sees my reaction to Julie catching Christen's bouquet and laughs then she pulls me down to whisper to me.

"Looks like it's you next."

- - - - -

"Sunshine." I say as I wrap my arms around my girlfriend who's only in her underwear. "As much as I love looking at your beautiful body you need to get dressed otherwise we'll be late for Mass."

"What do I wear?" Julie questions.

"Whatever you'd wear to your own Christmas Eve service."

My girlfriend nods then she pecks my lips as I un wrap my arms from around her.

Ten minutes later Julie is all dressed so we get in our car and make the twenty minute drive to the Basilica Minore dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo. When we get to the Basilica I park close to it then Julie and I hurry into the basilica and find a spot in the pews then sit through the mass.

At the end of the mass most of the congregations get up to take communion so Julie gets up to, but I pull her back down.

"It's only for Catholics." I whisper then Julie nods.

My soulmate and I sit through the rest of Mass then, when it's over, we leave and head back to the car. Once in the car I drive back to our Cabin then I park in the garage.

"Can I take you somewhere?" I question when we're out of the car.

"Of course." Julie says so I show her my back

"Hop on." I say.

A few seconds later Julie hops on my back, wraps her legs around my abs and her arms around my neck, then I shut the garage door and start heading to my secret spot.

Five minutes later we walk through a rock out cropping and come face to face with my secret spot.

Five minutes later we walk through a rock out cropping and come face to face with my secret spot

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"Wow." Julie says as I let her off my back. "It's so beautiful."

"I found it when I was 12." I say as I sit down on a rock and rest my feet on the ice.

I then tug on Julie's hand until she looks down then I pat the spot next to me. Julie then sits next to me and we look at the beautiful view for a while.

"Something on your mind?" Julie questions.

"I know tomorrow is Christmas, but my Mom's side of the family has a tradition that I would like to include you in." I say.

"Okay." Julie says so I pull out a ring and show it to her.

"In my Mom's family when we turn 18 we are given a ring to wear on our left index finger

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"In my Mom's family when we turn 18 we are given a ring to wear on our left index finger." I say and show Julie the ring I just recently started wearing again. And before the second Christmas with our soulmate we give our soulmate an identical ring to wear. It signifies that no matter wear we go in the world we will always have something to wear that reminds us we are not alone...so um Julie will you wear this ring?"

"I'd be honored to." Julie says with a smile so I slip the ring on her right index finger.

Once the ring is on Julie's finger, she cups my face and passionately kisses me for a long long time.

"I love you Moonshine." Julie whispers against my lips.

"I love you Sunshine." I say with a smile then Julie looks down at our hands.

"Why is your ring on your left hand?" Julie asks.

"So when we hold hands they touch." I say.

"You're family traditions are so beautiful." Julie says then she looks me in the eyes. "Almost as beautiful as you."

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