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Talia's POV

"Bye." I say as I walk through the kitchen.

"Do you want something more to eat?" Christen asks.

"Not hungry." I mumble.

"Talia." Becky says and lays a hand on my arm, but I shrug it off.

"Bye." I mumble then peck Julie's lips. "Love you."

"I love you." Julie says.

I kiss Lanie's head then grab my keys, walk out of the house, get in my car, and head to the stadium. When I get to the stadium I park in the captains spot and I notice I'm the only one here so I get out of my car, lock it, then head to the locker room. Once in the locker room I head to my locker, put my stuff on the chair in front of my locker, and put my necklaces in the bag. I then I sit in my locker, pull out my phone, and open Instagram.

I choose a picture of myself and Julie then start typing out a caption.

@talia_martin: Ahead of today's game Julie and I have some news to share with everyone. Unfortunately, a few days ago Julie and I lost our baby boy. To say we are devastated would be a massive understatement. We ask that you respect our privacy in this very trying time and allow us to grieve.

Julie and I wanted to make a public statement so we don't get asked about the pregnancy.

The only reason I'm playing today is because today's my stupid 100th Cap for the club celebration

After I post to Instagram I put my AirPods in my ears then start changing out of my clothes and into my warm up shirt. After I'm dressed I grab my phone then I head out onto the field. Once on the field I head to the center circle then lay down, close my eyes, and listen to my music.

Some time later I feel someone nudge me so I open my eyes and look up at the person.

"We gotta get dressed for the game." Jessie says.

I nod then get off the ground and head to the locker room.

I think I missed warm ups, but who really gives a fuck?

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into our green jersey. After I'm dressed Steph looks at me then she gestures to the white board basically telling me to line the team up how I want them to line up.

I walk up to the white board and put the name plates in the positions I want them in for our game against Atlético Los Angeles.

1-Emelia Lawrence
11-Emily Fox
4-Shelby Riley
5-Leah Williamson
16-Hailie Mace
6-Jaelin Howell
8-Jordan Nobbs
17-Jessie Fleming
10-Teagan Riley
14-Talia Martin (C)
9-Sigrid Lemmens

Once I've selected then line up I head to the tunnel and wait for us to be lead out.

Minutes later the ref motion us onto the field so I head out onto the field then stand for the pregame shit.

Once the National anthem has played I'm motioned forward as a commemorative Jersey is brought out on a stand. After the jersey is displayed I take a couple pictures with some people then I head back to the line, shake hands with the LA players, do the captains shit, then I head to my position moments before LA kick off the game.

In the 5th we earn a throw-in in our half so Hailie throws the ball into Leah. The Englishwoman then walks up field with the ball until she sees Jessie calling for the ball so she passes to the Canadian. When Jessie gets the ball she quickly passes to me then I play the ball out wide to Sigrid before I run into the box. Sigrid then crosses the ball into the area and I jump up with Sam Staab. I easily out jump Staab and head the ball just past the outstretched arm of the goalie which puts us 1-0 up.

Once the ball hits the net I turn around, head back upfield, then wait a minute for LA to kick off.

In the 14th minute Emily intercepts a pass from Lucy Staniforth, but the English woman closes her down so Emily boots it upfield. Jessie is the closest one to the ball so she brings it down out of the air then she plays it upfield to Teagan while myself, Jordan, and Sigrid crash the goal.

Teagan runs out of room so she crosses the ball into the box in hope's one of us gets on the end of the ball.

The ball sails over Jordan and Sigrid and it lands right at my feet so I easily pass the ball into the back of the net putting us 2-0 up.

After the ball hits the net I turn around, head back upfield, then wait a minute for LA to kick off.

In the 28th minute we get a goal kick so Emelia plays the ball short to Emily then Emily jogs upfield with the ball. As Emily does this I quickly look ahead of me and see a bunch of open space so I look back at Emily and subtly motion for the ball. The right back then plays a long ball over the top so I take off and chase it down.

Kate Wiesner follows me and right as we get to the bouncing ball I put my foot through it and send it goal wards. My momentum causes me tumble to the ground then I look up and see the ball in the back of the net making the score 3-0

When the ball hits the net I take a deep breath then look up to the box where Julie and everyone else are sitting.

I lock eyes with my wife and shake my head then I look down at the ground and try not to cry while walking back to our half.

"STEPH." I shout as I walk back to our half.

Steph looks at me so I motion for a sub and Steph nods then she calls one of our outside backs down to sub in.

Right before LA kick off my number is put on the board so I walk over to the sideline while I receive a standing ovation then I high five the sub before I walk straight into the tunnel. Once I'm in the tunnel and away from the camera's I lean against the wall, slump to the ground, and let the tears flow.

Sometime later a familiar smell invades my nose so I look up and see my wife walking towards me.

"Hi Moonshine." Julie says with a smile.

"Hi." I whisper as Julie sits next to me.

Once Julie is sat next to me she wipes the tears from my face then she lays my head on her shoulder.

"Let it out." Julie says as I continue to sob.

"Why us?" I question.

"I don't know Talia." My wife says.

"I wanted him so bad."

"I know you did." Julie says. "But maybe it just wasn't meant for us to be a family of four right now."

"When then?" I question.

"I don't know T." My wife says. "But right now I want you to focus on the Olympics then we'll revisit our options after and see what we can do."

"Okay." I mumble as I finally stop crying.

"Like Lanie said." Julie says then she kisses my head. "Everything will be okay."

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