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Talia's POV

"I can't believe your odd woman out." Julie says with a pout.

The Man City Coaching staff don't have to abide by the FIFA Soulmate rule so they split up couples which sucks major ass.

"Think of it this way." I say as I open the door to my room. "You and I can have our own celebration after we win without kicking someone out."

"Okay yeah I'm okay with that." Julie says.

The two of us enter my room and put my stuff away then we get on the bed and cuddle.

"Hey Jules can I ask you something?" I question while playing my girlfriends hair.

"Of course." My girlfriend says and looks up at me while resting her chin on my boob.

"Do you remember our anniversary night?"

"I do." Julie says with a smile. "It's the night I came the hardest I've ever came in my life."

"We're you serious about the thing with your butt?" I question.

"That if you bought a different strap on or a different dildo then you could have my ass?" Julie questions and I nod. "I was 100 percent serious."

"I may have bought two new one's."

"One for you and one for me?" Julie questions and I shyly nod. "Baby if you wanna try it too then we'll try it."

"Really?" I shyly question.

"Of course." Julie says then she kisses my heart. "If it's something you want to see if you enjoy then we'll try it."

"LET'S GO LOVEBIRDS." Janine shouts and bangs on the door.

"Is this all I have to wear?" I ask and motion to what i'm wearing.

"I think so." Julie says.

The two of us grab our stuff then we head down to the lobby and meet up with the team. Once with the team we get on a bus then we head to the stadium for the press conference.

"How long's this gonna take?" I ask as we walk through the stadium.

"30 to 45 minutes." Steph says.

"Joy." I say as we get to the press conference room.

Once in the press room I sit behind the card with my name on It and wait to be asked a question.

"Talia are you gonna be able to control your emotions for the final?"

"Excuse you?" Janine says so I put a hand on her arm before she can rip the guy a new one.

"It's okay Janine. He didn't mean it like that." I say then I look at the reporter who asked the question. "at least I assume your talking about the final being on the anniversary of my parents murder."

The reporter nods causing me to sigh.

"I'll do my best to control my emotions, but the wounds are still fresh in my mind so we'll see."

A couple more hands raise which causes me to sigh and rub the bridge of my nose.

"Are all of your questions about my parents murder?" I question.

I look at the press core and see a couple people nod.

"I came her to play football not talk about my parents murder so if you'll excuse me." I say then stand up. "I'm out."

I un-mic my self then walk out of the press room only to be stopped by one of the press dudes for the team.

"Talia you have to go back in there." The press dude says.

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