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Talia's POV

"You ready Munchkin?" Tobin asks as we walk to the locker room after warm ups.

Today's our semi final match against the Dutch.

We beat Japan 3-1 in the quarter finals.

"I think so." I say.

"Nervous about something?" Christen asks.

"I have to mark my cousin and she's really good." I say.

"And so are you." Becky says and kisses my head. "Stop doubting yourself."

"Okay." I mumble as we get to the locker room.

After we step into the locker room we split up and head to our individual lockers. When I get to my locker I change out of my warm up shirt then put on my white jersey. I then relax in my locker while the speeches happen. Once the speeches are over I, along with the rest of the starters, head to the tunnel and I get in line in-between Lindsey and Rose.

Seconds later we hold hands with the little kids we're walking out then we walk onto the pitch and line up. A couple seconds later we stand for the anthems, shake hands, the captains do the coin toss, then I run to my position. I wait a few seconds then the Dutch kick off the game.

For the first 35 minutes of the game the Dutch are in control of the game and my cousin and I have a couple decent battles. Luckily I win all of them.

In the 36th minute one of the Dutch defenders passes the ball up field to Daniëlle van de Donk who then turns up field and looks for an option. My cousin notices space behind me so she calls for the ball and starts moving towards the space so I follow. Daniëlle notices my cousins call so she plays a ball towards us and when the ball bounces in front of us I stick my long ass leg out and tap the back through Lieke's legs then I spin around and run up field with the ball.

As I run up field I notice Tobin running into space so I put my head dow then launch the ball towards the brunette. After the ball leaves my foot I watch as the ball flies towards the forward then Tobin brings the ball out of the air and runs towards goal. Tobin pulls a Tobin a drops a few defenders then she gets enough space so she shoots towards goal and the ball bends around van Veenendaal making the score 1-0.

"Nice meg." Becky says and high fives me.

"Thanks." I say then we wait in our side of the field.

I really don't feel like jogging all the way upfield to celebrate.

"MUNCHKIN." Tobin yells so I look towards her.

Tobin gives me a thumbs up and I return the gesture as the Dutch restart the game.

Tobin's goal was the last action of the first half so everyone heads into the locker room to relax for 15 minutes.

Once halftime is over everyone comes back out of the locker room and gets to their positions then we kickoff the second half.

The second half is a lot more boring than the first half so when the full time whistle blows I'm glad because it means we won and it also means the boring game is over.

Once the full time whistle blows I hug some of the Dutch players Lieke has introduced me to like Daniëlle, Viv, Shanice, Groenen, van der Gragt, and Bloodworth.

After I hug them I walk over to my cousin and hug her.

"Jerk." Lieke mumbles into my chest.

"Sorry." I say then kiss Lieke's head.

"You're lucky I love you.

"Love you too." I say as Lieke removes her head from my chest. "Is your family here?"

"Yeah." Lieke says and points out her Mom, dad, older brother's, younger sister, and her boyfriend who I think is her soulmate, but I've never asked.

Lieke's family smile and wave at me so I smile and wave back.

"Wanna swap shirts?" Lieke asks.

"Sure." I say then the two of us take off our tops.

The two of us switch shirts then we put them on and pose in opposite jerseys for the multitude of press.

Once the press have taken their pictures I lead my cousin away from the press.

"You and Julie need to make time to come to Spain to see me." Lieke says and hugs me.

"I think we're still deciding on where to go for our winter vacation so I'll suggest Spain."

"Good." Lieke says and squeezes me. "You know they're both really proud of you."

"I just wish they we're here to see this and meet Julie."

"I know you do." Lieke says then she hugs me. "But you know they're always with you and they're so proud of you just like I am."

"Thanks." I say.

"I love you Talia."

"I love you Lieke."

"I guess I'll see you at the Medal ceremony." My cousin says.

"That you will." I say.

The two of us split up and I head over to my team.

"Hey Freckles." Christen says and hugs me.

"Hi Pressy." I say and wrap my arms around one of my best friends.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." I say. "I just miss seeing my cousin...and I miss my parents."

"Well if it's any consolation I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Christen." I say.

The two of us join the team huddle and we listen to Jill's team talk then I head into the locker room and take of Lieke's jersey. I put my cousins jersey in my bag then I grab my shower stuff and go take a shower. After my shower I put my track suit back on, put my necklaces back on then head to the bus and sit in mine and Julie's row.

"Hey babe." Julie says as she sits down next to me then she pecks my lips.

"Hey babygirl." I say and intertwine our hands. "Fuck I'm tired."

"I would be too if I had to mark your cousin like you did."

"I forgot how fast she is." I say as the bus starts heading back to the hotel.

"Hey Talia?" Moe asks from a seat in front of me.

"Yeah Moe?" I say.

"How did you and Julie not meet earlier? I mean we played you three times last year."

"Uh the first match you guys had already joined up with the team for the world cup, the second match I didn't play in, but it was the same day as the first victory tour game, and I was in New York meeting with Lawyers about my parents estate during the final game."


"Yep." I say as Julie rests her head on my shoulder. "But we found each other so that's all that matters."

"Aww." Kelley says. "That was so cute Talia."

"Shush." Alex says and puts a finger over her wife's mouth. "Sleep."

"I mean it was cute." Moe says then she sits back in her seat and cuddle back into Alyssa.

"Can we take a nap when we get back?" Julie questions.

"Yes princess." I say and kiss Julie's head. "We can nap."

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