11) Only you

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"Drop me here, Jackson. I can go from here", namjoon said, as Jackson stopped the car in front of BighHit Ent. "You sure?", Jackson asked softly. Namjoon nodded and gave him a small smile. Jackson was really nice.

Namjoon waved at him and as he was going back, Jackson ran up to him from behind, slightly out of breath. "Hey, don't worry about those comments you told me about. Those are just losers and they better fuck off. Or Jackson Wang from China is fucking comin' after their ugly asses", he said, his breath lagged. Namjoon chuckled at his bestie and suddenly made grabby hands towards the much shorter male. And Jackson smiled his beautiful smile. Immediately hugging namjoon tightly, he patted his back in comfort. "Okay, now go!", namjoon whined when they pulled back.

Jackson rolled his eyes playfully but nodded. He got into his car, giving his friend one last smile before driving off.

Taehyung laid on his bed, crying softly. Yoongi sat beside him, stroking his hair slowly but comfortingly. His heart was breaking as he watched the younger crumble in front of him. He didn't know what the reason was, but he knew it was serious. Taehyung was, after all, like him. Never showing vulnerability until it was something very strong, very serious.

The other members except Him and Hobi stayed in the living room, totally unaware of the situation.

"Hyung...I-I..", taehyung tried speaking but all that came out was broken sobs. "Tae, baby, shh... It's okay... You're okay. Whatever happened, we'll face it together", yoongi pulled him into his arms and continued consoling him. He was definitely gonna kill whoever dared to hurt his cute little boyfriend.

Namjoon entered the house, humming a soft tune with a small smile on his face. After days of being so miserable, he was finally feeling fresh. Happy.

That was short lived, though. As he took one step in the living room, he scowled back. Suddenly very attentive. "W-what happened?", he asked. No answer. He saw tae sitting on the couch, looking like he had been crying. And all the others were seated beside him except for Jimin and Jungkook. Needless to say, they looked very pissed. "Tae... Guys? What's the-","Where were you?", Jin cut him off before he could finish his question.

However, namjoon didn't panic. He had mentally prepared himself for all the questions and already thought about his upcoming lies.

"I was in Rkive. Why?", he asked simply, as if he hadn't wasted his whole day enjoying with his best friend in an amusement park and game arcade. Well, anything done for his happiness was a waste of time.

"I'll ask again. Where. The. Fuck. Were. You!?", Jin shouted and banged his hand on the table making everyone, except tae who was pretty much frozen, jolt in surprise.

Namjoon flinched, too. Only slightly, but he did nonetheless. "I-I already told y-","Jackson", Jin hissed. Namjoon's head jerked up at the name. He was mortified. How did Jin know that?

"You were with Jackson, right?", Jin asked as he sat up from the couch and started moving forward towards the door where namjoon was standing.

Namjoon didn't say anything and just lowered his head. That was enough for everyone to know his answer. Tears prickled the omega's eyes as he felt utterly humiliated by the way everyone was watching him.

"Namjoon", Seokjin said in a firm voice and the latter looked up.


Everyone gasped at what they just saw. Seokjin just slapped Namjoon. The sweet, soft alpha. Tears finally flowed from Namjoon's eyes as he looked at the elder's stoic face with pure confusion. He didn't know meeting his friend was such a big crime.

"We scolded you a bit and that's all it took for you to fuck around with people. Fucking Manwhore", Seokjin said calmly. His face showed no expression whatsoever. Not even a bit of anger.

Namjoon was shocked. He didn't know that they thought he was cheating on them. He thought maybe they were angry because he lied.

He quickly opened his mouth to clear things but it got close as soon as it opened.


"Don't you dare say a thing, slut!", yoongi screamed. His face red because of his fury. When did he reach him? Namjoon didn't know.

More tears started flowing freely as he cried. He could be anything but not a cheater. He wasn't a cheater. He loved all of them. He could never.

Everyone got up from the couch and made their way towards the three. Namjoon looked at Taehyung. He thought maybe, just maybe tae will believe him.

"Tae, tell them! T-tell them, I c-can't do that. Tell th-them I'm not a ch-cheater. T-tae-".

Another slap.

Namjoon's left hand came to his left cheek out of shock. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"I-I loved you... W-we loved y-you... Why did you... Why did you do this to us, Namjoon? Why? I saw you kissing him! I think they w-were all right. You're just a d-dirty, useless slut!", taehyung sobbed and jungkook quickly pulled him to his chest.

The maknae was glaring at the youngest rapper but his own tears were flowing from his chocolatey orbs.

Jimin also hugged hoseok as he cried in the elder's chest. The elder rubbed his back softly.

"We don't want you in our relationship anymore. You're free to go to Jackson", Jin announced, a tear finally making its way down his cheek.

Everyone was teary. Everyone was broken.

They saw each other. Comforted each other.

But not Namjoon.

His back hit the wall as he slid down, hugging his knees to his chest. He didn't want to clear things up. Well, he was sure they wouldn't want to listen.
His sobs were so broken that they could shatter anyone's heart.

But his boy-friends weren't there. They left. They didn't want him. They didn't believe him. Was he that bad? That ugly? That big of a liar that they couldn't even wait till he finished explaining?

They ignored the cuts on his wrist when his sleeves came down. They ignored the fact that he hadn't eaten for days. They ignored the fact that he never came out of his room, until now. They ignored everything.

That's what you're worthy of. Nobody loves, wants you. Everybody hates you.

That voice. It spoke again.

Like they said, you're just a dirty Manwhore. Useless slut.

The voice mocked.

Namjoon uncovered his ears as soon as he covered them. He needed to face the truth. He heard everything, believed everything. And fell asleep.

With a smile on his face.

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