34) Desperate

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Seokjin woke up because of feeling extremely hot. The temperature was almost unbearable. He was an alpha, so it didn't affect him as much but it didn't mean he was completely fine with it.

His eyes snapped open when he heard loud whimpers and.. moans?? What the fuck!? He moved to get out of the bed but then realized that namjoon was sleeping on top of his chest.

He gasped loudly when he realized namjoon was the one whimpering and moaning. He touched his arm, only to yank it away due to the younger's burning skin.

"What the fuck!?", seokjin whisper yelled. He quickly set namjoon beside him on the bed as tears fell from the omega's closed eyes. His face scrunched up as if he was in pain. Seokjin quickly woke jungkook up with more than a little difficulty. The maknae was a heavy sleeper.

"Jungkook, call yoongi, now", seokjin commanded and jungkook ran out of the room, looking sleep deprived due to his heavy pout and messy hair.

Seokjin sat beside namjoon, resting his hand on his forehead, ignoring the scorching heat from his burning skin.
He scanned the younger up and down and his eyes widened with fear when he saw the younger's tented pants.

"Yoongi!", seokjin screamed, panicking because if it was an year ago, he would've been able to help namjoon but it was different now. He wasn't namjoon's mate. None of them were. It wasn't possible to help him.

"Coming, coming, hyung. What happened?", yoongi barged into the room with all the others behind. They were all breathing harshly as if they'd just ran mile.

Seokjin looked at namjoon and then back at them with a pained look.

"He's in heat"

The room went silent as seokjin said those words, bar Namjoon's heavy breathing and whimpering. The rapper somehow still managed to stay asleep.

"What are we gonna do?", taehyung whispered shakily. Everyone looked at Namjoon's shaky body. Yeah, what were they going to do? Namjoon wasn't their boyfriend, their mate anymore. There was no way to help him.

"Hyung, wake him up. We'll give him suppressants to maybe keep his heat in control", Jimin said, looking unsure. "No, no, we can't do that", jungkook said frantically. Hoseok nodded, agreeing with the youngest. "Jungkook's right. We can't do that. It's his first heat after what? 13 months?","17", yoongi said, not moving his eyes from Namjoon's frame, eyebrows creased with worry.

"Just wake him up then we'll see what we can do", Jimin mumbled, feeling helpless. Everyone agreed and looked at seokjin.

Seokjin nodded and tried waking the omega up. "Joonie, baby, wake up", he said, shaking namjoon softly. Namjoon whimpered, shivering slightly as he nuzzled into Jin's strong arm.

His eyes snapped open as he let out a strangled cry. "Alpha!", he screamed, sobbing loudly due to the overwhelming pain. "Alpha, please", he whimpered when he felt heat coiling his whole body.

"Baby, here, drink some water", hoseok said as he brought the glass to Namjoon's lips, making him drink the water with a little resistance. As soon as the water got over, namjoon hiccuped, face scrunching up again as the pain suddenly shot from his groin to his whole body.

"Please, Alpha, please... H-hurts, please.. ", he cried out, begging them to make his pain go away. They looked at him with pity, not knowing what to do. "We can't, honey. We-","No! Please h-help m-me... Please", namjoon whined, deep in his headspace. His heat was taking the best of him.

"Jin hyung, do something. I can't see him like this", taehyung says suddenly and they all nod in agreement, looking at jin to make a move.

Jin looked at them while biting his lip, hurt to see namjoon in so much pain. Before he could think anymore though, the smell of peaches and cream, mixed with chocolate spreaded through the air, making him feel dizzy.

Jungkook's eyes went red and he growled, clenching his teeth to resist the urge to just jump on the omega and take him right there. In fact, every alpha had the same reaction. Jimin was a beta so he had some good control over his hormones when it came to an omega's scent but his natural instinct was to grip taehyung's shoulder when all the alphas started releasing scent pheromones.

"Alpha", Jimin whimpered, gaining all the alphas' attention. "Shit", jungkook mumbled, starting to palm himself through his pants, not being able to resist the urge anymore. "Oh god, hyung. Please do something", yoongi yelled, his head was throbbing and all the blood rushed to his cock when he saw jungkook.

"Alpha- Ahh.... Please...", namjoon choked on a sob, rutting against seokjin's thigh. And that was it for the pack leader, if namjoon wanted them to help him, they would gladly do it.

He just wanted confirmation because Namjoon wasn't in his right mind. He was well aware of the fact that an omega in heat wasn't capable of understanding what was wrong and what was right for them. And the last thing he wanted was for namjoon to regret everything after his heat was over.

"Omega, are you sure?", he asked sternly, trying to not let his composure collapse.

The rutting on his thigh became faster and rougher, paired with namjoon's moans and whimpers and Jimin and Jungkook's heavy breathing. It was all unbearable. Seokjin wanted nothing more than to fuck each of them and chase his release. But as the pack leader, his self control was more than anyone. He was patient enough to be able to wait.

"Yes, yes, yes, please help me", namjoon cried again, sobbing as rutted faster, pushing his face into the pillow. He choked on another sob when his rutting stopped, the pleasure disappearing as seokjin had kept his hand tightly over Namjoon's hip.

"Try again. What is it that you want us to help with?", seokjin asked.

Namjoon looked at him, baffled as he cried harder, releasing stronger pheromones as all the patience left his body. The heat, the pain was unbearable at this point. He wanted nothing more than a cock to fuck him. He was desperate.

"I want you to f-fuck me... Make me feel good, use me... Please..."

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