#4 - Day Four and a Series of Questions

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    "Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

    [Y/n] felt an uncomfortable tugging sensation on her hair, pulling her head down and off her metal slab of a bed whilst her body still managed to cling on. [Y/n]'s [e/c] eyes shot wide as she stared down at the small child who had been tugging her hair. It was Aytsa. His black locks and big green eyes stared up at [Y/n].

    "Good morning Aytsa," [Y/n] croaked out sleepily, blinking sleep from her eyes. 

    "Food!" Aytsa cried out, tugging her hair again, "food!" he called again, his hands clapping together.  As she sat up from her bed, [Y/n] was quick to realise Aytsa wasn't the only one in her room.  At the back of the room sat Mitzu and Draka who were engaged in some sort of one-sided conversation, Draka being the only speaker and Mitzu simply seeming annoyed at Draka.  Then [Y/n] noticed Seishin, who's head was buried deep within the female's book Animal Farm, his expression both confused and intrigued.  Laion was sat on his own making train noises and Kori stood in the corner, watching the waking female silently. 

    Finally [Y/n]'s eyes were drawn to the chair in the other corner of the room from Kori.  In it sat Nyais, who wore a small smile when [Y/n]'s eyes met his.  Her [e/c] orbs widened dramatically, before narrowing in confusion.  "How long have you been here?" she asked the first thing that came to her head.

    "Good morning to you too," Nyais chuckled softly, earning a bashful and slightly guilty expression from the [h/c] haired female.  "I've been here for... ah, two hours give or take?  I came to replace the boys' beds," he explained.  "That of course meant waking them up and getting them on their feet.  When they were on their feet they wanted to eat but I thought it would be best if they associated good things like eating with you so I made them wait for you to wake up," he smiled.  "I was going to wake you up but then I saw you sleeping," he said gently.

    "Th-Thank you for keeping them under control, Nyais," [Y/n] responded carefully; despite the kindness of his actions, she would be lying if she said she didn't find them slightly bizarre.  "Uh- mind if I ask what you've been doing these last two hours?" she questioned.

    "Other than keeping six potentially destructive children under control?" he responded with a laugh.  "I guess I've just been making sure no one wakes you up," he hummed - to [Y/n] that seemed like the other way of saying 'I've been watching you sleep' but at least she got an extra couple hours quality resting time out of it. 

    "What about Aytsa?" she asked, her head tilting slightly to one side.

    "Aytsa?  Oh, yeah... that was his 28th attempt at getting close enough to wake you up," he said nonchalantly, "I guess at that point I caved in.  You were gonna wake up in five minutes anyway.  Your breathing had started to grow a little uneven," he said.  [Y/n] nodded, still a little baffled about how acute hearing could tell you so much.  It had never seemed overly impressive to the girl but now she understood just how handicapped humans must be an areas such as that.

    [Y/n] turned her attention to the small green eyed boy who stared up at her with the same expression as before, if not holding a little more desperation.  It was easy to forget when looking at such adorable children that they were still humans' natural predators and killing machines.  "Alright, alright," she said softly, ruffling the small boy's hair affectionately, "I'll be back in a moment.  Why don't you go and talk to Kori?  He looks a little lonely," she smiled, looking over at the dark grey haired boy whose gaze remained fixed on [Y/n], unblinking.  His chest didn't even seem to rise and fall.  Aytsa nodded and ran over to the little boy, however Kori shook his head and continued staring past him, right at [Y/n].

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