#28 - Errors of the Contract

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Back and forth, back and forth.

[Y/n] rocked forwards and backwards on her all-too-familiar bed, yet entirely absent of nostalgia.  The warm hues of her old room - the many lamps shedding light on every nook and cranny - didn't make her feel at all at ease anymore.  Especially not with the current centrepiece of the room being a certain blonde haired, green eyed vampire.

She refused to look at Seishin, her eyes resting solely on the bed she sat on.  What she could tell without looking at him was that there was a piece of paper in his hands - the deliberate occasional crinkle implied that he wanted her to know what it was.  There was only one thing she could imagine it being.  The contract.

"You're not allowed to go anywhere other than your living space without permission," Seishin began, his voice monotonous as he dragged himself through the words, each syllable still clear as day despite the partial drone that darkened his voice.  "You are to drink Dr Rayne's Elixir at some point during the first week."  He paused.  "Aytsa and Laion told me Rayne has already provided you with that, am I correct?"

No response.  Seishin sighed.

"You are not allowed to challenge or be challenged by another vampire," he continued, "you must give your blood once a week at the very least."  He placed the piece of paper down.  "Show me your neck."  [Y/n] didn't move.  "Don't ignore me, moth."

"I've done it already," [Y/n] said quietly.  Seishin raised a disbelieving eyebrow.  "A-all my wounds healed after drinking the elixir.  I've done it, I swear."

"Show me your back, then."  'My back?' [Y/n] looked confused, before remembering the many wounds he and Kori had placed there.  She still didn't move.  "I said show me your back.  This is not a difficult request."  Hesitantly, [Y/n] lifted up her top to show Seishin her back.  Indeed, all her wounds had healed, but [Y/n] - thanks to the mirror just a little behind her and the one in front, could see that there were still scars littering her skin.

"As I thought," Seishin hummed.  "Show me your neck, then.  The marks won't have gone away."  When [Y/n] proceeded to stay still, the blonde male eventually got sick of waiting, grabbing a handful of her [h/c] hair and pulling her closer to him.  When [Y/n] began to struggle, Seishin harshly pushed a nerve on the back of her neck which made her become a dead weight for as long as he kept the same amount of force on it.  Now, with [Y/n] unable to move, he inspected her neck and nape.

"Why did you think it was okay to lie to me?" Seishin asked ominously.  [Y/n], paralysed, felt a deep sense of dread begin to well up inside her. "You know, you should be careful... with how unstable some of the others have become in the time you've been gone, lying isn't the safest of decisions for you. You're lucky I'm here." [Y/n] wanted to yell at him regarding his own mental instability, however - still unable to move - she couldn't. "It's strange... the only one of us who's actually tasted your blood is Aytsa. This irks me a little."

    Moments later, a familiar yet strange pain coursed through her. She couldn't kick or struggle so she simply waited and hoped he would stop soon. Eventually she was allowed to move again - Seishin walked to the other side of the room, stepping into her en-suite bathroom and wetting a lightly bloodstained cloth. He brought it back to her and silently cleaned her wound, ignoring the winces and looks of disgust [Y/n] sent his way.

    "You're sick," [Y/n] spat quietly.

    "I think you'll find I'm perfectly healthy," Seishin responded levelly.

    "I never expected you to be deliberately obtuse," [Y/n] muttered.

    "Big words for someone as small-brained as you," Seishin returned. "I was simply stating a fact in response to your clear concerns over my health," he smiled sarcastically. [Y/n]'s eyes narrowed. "But, if you meant them with any hostility then I'd pick what you say more wisely next time. The others will bend your words all they want to fit in with their fantasies and, being the person you are, you'll find yourself in many bizarre situations regarding them." He paused. "You're yet to mention Nyais to me. Have you forgotten about him already?"

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