#16 - Day Sixteen and a Little Overpowered

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[ As I warned in the previous chapter, the happy-go-lucky stuff is pretty much over now. That doesn't mean there won't be any more happiness, but the story's gonna get a lot darker from here. This chapter also has relatively graphic descriptions of violence later on in the chapter. It's not bad enough for me to say 'skip it', but if you feel uncomfortable reading this chapter then you may not want to proceed with the book. I don't wanna scar y'all haha xD ]

    "Well that's not an excuse! It's getting creepy," [Y/n] said sternly to the grey haired, blue eyed boy who sat on the end of her bed. He watched her intently, his expression unchanging despite her clear displeasure at his actions.

    "You let me when I was younger," Kori responded evenly, "what's wrong with it now?"

    "I just told you," [Y/n] sighed, her shoulders drooping at his hopeless behaviour. "Watching me sleep is a no-no. And I didn't let you when you were younger, there just wasn't anything I could say or do about it that you would understand."

    "Why do you suddenly seem scared of me, [Y/n]?" Kori frowned. "I've never done anything to hurt you. You don't act scared of Aytsa or Nyais and they've both almost killed you. Yet, for some reason, you're not allowing me in your company." His words were simple - there was no accusation to his tone, but [Y/n] could see the glaze of menace in his eyes that even he had no idea he was holding.

    "I'm not scared of you, Kori," [Y/n] assured softly, "I just feel a bit uncomfortable when I'm doing my own thing and you're sat there staring at me. Surely you can understand that?" He stared at her for a while longer before looking over at her bedside table, his eyes locking onto the clockwork bumblebee Aytsa had made her the day before.  [Y/n] turned her gaze from Kori to the door as someone rapped against it.  "Hello?"

The door slowly opened revealing Draka, who's usually happy red eyes seemed dark and devoid of emotion.  [Y/n] wondered whether he was still upset about not having a skill like everyone else.  His eyes moved from Kori to [Y/n] and back again.  "Good morning," he hummed, "why are you in here, Kori?"

"I was making sure she was alright," Kori responded immediately.

"Really?" his expression changed from one of emptiness to one ridden with scepticism.  "She doesn't look too thrilled.  Were you just asking him to leave, [Y/n]?" Draka asked.  [Y/n] didn't fail to recognise the change in Draka's tone - instead of a child seeking guidance, he sounded like a brotherly figure.  The change caught [Y/n] off guard a little.  Kori's blue eyes pierced through her as though begging her to say she wanted him to stay, however [Y/n] couldn't bring herself to say anything.  She didn't want to make the boys fight but also didn't really want Kori in her room.  Draka looked at Kori again.  "I'll take that as a yes, shall I?"  [Y/n] hesitated before shaking her head.

"No, no, it's okay Draka.  You don't have to do anything."  Neither boy seemed thrilled at her words.  She realised that was probably one of the worst things she could've chosen to say but figured there was no going back now.

"Because I'm useless, right?" he retorted immediately.  [Y/n]'s eyes widened a little at his response, suddenly recognising the reasons for his challenging behaviour.  It wasn't that he was being rude - it was that he was insecure about his lack of a skill.  It seemed to her like he was trying to make up for it with his strength and physical authority. 

"You don't need to be useful, Draka.  No one should need to use you."  [Y/n] allowed a small smile to spread across her face, hoping it might rub off on the others as well.  "You just need to be you.  So don't let go of yourself by trying to prove your worth all the time or you'll forget what really matters."  Draka's crimson eyes widened a little at her statement.  There was a moment of silence before he sighed, looking down.

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