#23 - Forever and Ever

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Been writing more music for the book!  Above is Leya's theme.  :)

    Waking wasn't always easy - sometimes, when the duvet was so warm and the mattress was so comforting, waking felt like the hardest chore in the world. At first, that's how [Y/n] felt. Warm, happy, safe. Then, the constant paranoia began to creep back into her psyche as she reached for her clock on the bedside table. There was no clock, however. It was now she began to panic. Where was she? Her bed was larger - she felt more constricted, like the duvet was heavier and weighing down on her as though the feathers were made of lead. What was going on?

    Had it all been a dream? Her time with the boys all a lie?  Some psychedelic LSD trip as the reality of her new situation finally came to light?

    "You haven't forgotten, have you?" a soft voice chimed next to her. A soft voice she recognised. "This is our house," he continued gently, "you're in our bed."

    "Our..." [Y/n] sleepily mumbled, "Nyais," she sighed, "good morning. I'm sorry-"

    "Don't worry," he cut her off with a small laugh, "it's fine.  You've been through a lot lately."  [Y/n] looked down at herself in response to this.  Her arms and wrists were bruised beyond belief; everything ached still.  Nyais gave her a sympathetic look.

    "The contract," [Y/n] mumbled, looking over at the desk in the corner of the room where the contract resided, attempting to pretend she hadn't just completely forgotten the result of 22 days of fighting for her life, "was I supposed to sign or...?"

    "Ah, yes," Nyais quickly made his way over to the desk, picking up the contract and taking it over to [Y/n] and passing her a pen.  He tapped a small dotted line at the bottom of the sheet.  "Just put your signature there."

    Slightly shakily, [Y/n] did so, her hand scrawling her signature across the bottom of the page.  She looked up at Nyais who returned her gaze with a smile and took the contract back over to the desk.  "I'll send this off later," he said.  It seemed he wouldn't have to, however.  The letter suddenly combusted, falling to ash on the floor before the ash seeped into the soft, fluffy carpet and disappeared.  The pair blinked a couple of the times as they wordlessly observed and construed the strange occurrence.

    "Maybe not, then," Nyais shrugged.  He walked over to [Y/n] and sat beside her on the bed. 

    "Nyais," [Y/n] began quietly, looking down at her hands as she subconsciously tugged on each finger.  He hummed, encouraging her to continue.  "I... I meant to ask - a-and this is probably a stupid question b-but - what am I to you?"

    Nyais paused in thought, placing his hand on hers.  "What do you want me to be?"  Someone who can answer my questions without asking questions, [Y/n] thought with a mental sigh.

    "I..." she looked over at the door, "I... uh... I don't know."

    The pair went quiet for a while.

    They thought.

    [Y/n] was yet to realise that thinking was a bad thing. 

    Knock knock knock. [Y/n] stared in the general direction of the door where an impatient knocking had sounded. Knock knock. Nyais stood up, ushering for [Y/n] to stay where she was (but she followed him to the door regardless). He unlocked the door and the person at the other side promptly pushed it open.

    A man with messy black hair stood in the doorframe. He wore a long white lab coat with a black turtleneck jumper under it. His attire was entirely casual, but he held himself formally (aside from the fact that he leaned slightly to the right as though his left leg was injured). The strangest part about him that [Y/n] noted was the slightly manic look in his emerald green eyes as he locked them on her.

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