#70 - Long Live The King

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lil drawing of m'boi

    There was a special hall in the Kingdom of Kutelo

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There was a special hall in the Kingdom of Kutelo. It was grand and one of the first places built, both as a mark of respect and a new beginning. Usually there's more time to prepare such an occasion, but now things seemed more rushed and tense as Kutelo buzzed with suspicion and conspiracy. This hall's purpose; coronation and royal funeral, which were a joint occasion in their society: one with little care for those that were weak.

Except this time, previous King Olli was not weak, and the actual murderer was unknown. Not only that, but the succeeding king - who stood, dressed in fine coronation robes at the head of the hall - wasn't exactly a "fan favourite," as some may say. Uneasy mumbles reverberated against the cold, and slightly damp, walls of the hall.

It was not a nice looking room at all. Usually they would have time to prepare it, but now the aesthetic grandeur was covered in dust and the cool, damp smell of death. Nevertheless, nothing in this hall was more damp and unpleasant than the emotions and tension of the elites and soldiers within it.

From where he was stood, adorning the slightly itchy, ancient coronation robes that his predecessor - who lied dead and lightly mutilated in a casket behind him - had fashioned around 350 years ago, Nyais could hear the rumours that had began to circulate. Some said that it was suicide, believing the shift to his dragon form had reawakened his memories of his past love, and with it the guilt of having had her killed. Others said that Jay had done it, before being killed by Ren, and that Ren had mistakenly been killed by an onlooking guard who now had their mouth shut. Then, there were rumours that tied to [Y/n]. That she, in a fit of rage, had killed him herself before running away when everyone was distracted with his death.

Nyais, of course, knew the truth. He knew several people would've worked out the truth, too. He wondered what their opinions would be. He wondered a lot of things.

The fanfare began and the last few "important figures" slipped in through the great pine and steel doors, and among them Nyais briefly glanced upon Rayne, surprisingly fashioned in a suit instead of his usual lab coat. He kept his head down, though his peripheral gaze was fixed on Nyais.

When the fanfare died down, and the audience were quiet, Nyais drew in a breath. His speech began.

* * *

She was beginning to tire, thirst cracking her lips and searing her throat. Her legs ached from running but she couldn't stop. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, and every nerve in her body was suddenly explosive, reacting to the slightest change of light or frequency. She'd been running for almost an hour now with no breaks, a feat that - before - she would've believed to have been physically impossible for a girl like her. But here she was, and the fatigue was beginning to catch up with her.

She found a soft-leaved bush and slumped behind it. It had a strong scent, a little like honeysuckle, and didn't seem to have any thorns or brambles that could cut her and reveal her scent any further. She knew the boys had excellent senses so she had to be careful... hopefully this bush would do the job of masking her scent just a little to throw them off.

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