#65 - So Near Yet So Far

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Did training really have to be so... realistic?  [Y/n] gave Olli an unsure look as Hetti, under Olli's instructions, tied [Y/n]'s upper arms and wrists behind her to a post in the training hall, reverently bowing and apologising every time [Y/n] would let out a grunt of discomfort.  The fae girl then bounced away, guilt sweeping across her countenance, and Olli dismissed her.

"And I'm supposed to free myself from this how?" [Y/n] deadpanned.  Her bonds were tight as hell - did Hetti have experience in this sort of thing or something? 

"How do you think?" Olli sighed, tilting his head, "it's just rope."

"It's pushing my internal organs to places they've never been before," [Y/n] objected, a pout on her lips.  Olli couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at her complaints, shaking his head.  "C'mon Olli, drop a hint, please~" the bound girl whined.

"Do you think a faerie would drop you a hint if it put you in this situation?" Olli huffed.  [Y/n] rolled her eyes, struggling a little, though she was growing increasingly weak as her blood circulation got cut off from her arms.  "Can't you just break them with strength?" he asked finally, seeming a little confused.  He was expecting her to work out how to use a certain muscle to snap the bonds from her arms, but it didn't seem like she was going to get there any time soon.  He was even more confused by how [Y/n]'s expression turned to one that could only be described as dumbfounded.

"Do what?!" she yelled out, her brows knitting together.  "Sorry to break it to ya but not everyone has the strength of a 400 year old vampire king!"  Olli bit his lip.  She had a point.  "Why are you looking at me like that?!" [Y/n] snapped, though she was clearly not as angry as she was making herself out to be.  If anything, she was quite amused by the situation. 

"Wait here," Olli then hummed, walking across the training hall and leaving [Y/n] tied to a post.  She called after him, asking him where he was going and why the hell he was leaving her tied to a post, but she received no response.  Eventually her shoulders sagged and she decided to wait for the silver haired man to return.  She could just about see him opening the doors to the room filled with weapons, and he exited said room shortly after entering.  He came back with a pair of boots and a vicious looking knife.  Placing the boots on the floor, he carefully positioned the sharp object in a hidden fold under the sole of the boot, before taking off [Y/n]'s shoes and replacing them with the new ones.  [Y/n] couldn't see what he was doing as he did it behind her, so all she knew was that he'd taken off her shoes and put on some different ones.

"Am I going to get an explanation as to why you changed my shoes or are you just gonna leave me to guess?" [Y/n] questioned, a confused grin on her face.

"There's a hidden blade in your right boot," Olli said, standing up after buckling the boots up.  He stood up, staring down at the girl with a more serious expression this time.  "You need to take off the boot and remove the knife, and then use that to cut the rope."

This seemed far more doable to the girl, but it didn't change the pivotal fact that her wrists were bound.  She tried to lift her leg but she simply couldn't get her foot high enough for her bound hands to grab, and her back pressed against the pole didn't help her.  Every time she nearly grabbed her foot, her wrist would give up and she'd drop it again.  This went on for a long time before she came up with a new idea.  She slid herself down the pole to a v-shaped sitting position, her knees in front of her and her feet behind her.  She hadn't sat like this since she was a young child and good god it killed.

She could reach her foot now, however, and she fiddled with the buckles until the boot was loose.  Then, with great effort, she managed to slide the boot off and hold it behind her.  She used her left hand to hold the bottom of the boot whilst her right squashed down the leather and reached into the sole of the shoe, flipping it back to reveal the knife.  She dropped the boot, now holding the knife in her hands.

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