#51 - A Chance Like No Other

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    [Y/n] and Mitzu had gone back to the library after finding the drawing of Leya, [Y/n] continuing her search for more pieces of Nyais' past. Pages upon pages were rooted through and discarded, but it seemed hardly a shred of anything was left. Except for one find, which had only served to irritate the girl. [Y/n] found an old sketchbook with every page torn out, save for a single note slotted within. The note was now torn up in tiny pieces on the floor.

    'Too late.
    - Rayne'

    That's what it'd said. That bastard! [Y/n] was fuming, and even Mitzu looked a bit concerned for her, watching as she rooted through book after book for something. Anything. Eventually, though only to get in her favour, Mitzu started helping her.

    Both were so absorbed in searching for notes or drawings or whatever that they didn't hear the front door open or close. They didn't hear the gentle footsteps making their way down the hallway; nor did they hear the library door creak slightly as it was pushed further open.

    "Are you... looking for something?"

    That voice.

    [Y/n] froze, gripping harder onto the book that she was looking through. This was getting to her head. She sighed, placing the book down, turning around to tell Mitzu that maybe they should stop.

    "Mitzu, I think we've—"

    Everything froze.

    Mitzu turned to see what had caused her to stop so abruptly. He slowly placed the book back on the bookshelf and furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation.

    "[Y/n]," Nyais whispered, taking a couple of steps forwards. The swords were still in his hands, but [Y/n] didn't care. She didn't care about anything. She ran forwards, wrapping her arms around him, burying her face into his chest. She didn't know what to say. He was real - he was right here in this very room. He very carefully hugged her back, making sure the swords didn't touch her, instead angling them like defensive shields around the [h/c] haired girl.

    "How the hell are you still alive?" Mitzu hissed, though he didn't make any move to approach Nyais. Not yet. The man was armed and had much more experience than he did - if Mitzu tried to attack him now, he'd lose before he could blink. To his annoyance, the violet eyed male didn't acknowledge his existence. "Look, this is a touching reunion and all, but can you answer my fucking question?" Nyais' eyes flitted open, his gaze watching Mitzu carefully.

    "Your manners have deteriorated," Nyais muttered, finally letting [Y/n] out of his guarded embrace, though still keeping her close by his side.

    "Speak for yourself," Mitzu rolled his eyes. "So does this mean you're leaving me, [Y/n]?" Mitzu asked, a bitter laugh following his words. [Y/n] narrowed her eyes in response to his insecurities.

    "Maybe if you hadn't been so damn awful, I'd come and visit you again," she spat. Instantly her confidence had returned. She felt a bit bad... only saying what she thought because she had Nyais' swords to hide behind; wasn't that how cyberbullies operated? No, she wouldn't think of herself like that. These people had destroyed her- tortured her. She felt unsafe before, but now she was secure.

    "Mitzu," Nyais said calmly, watching him with a calculative yet... oddly calm expression. "I'll ask you once, please leave. If you refuse I'll have to remove you by force," he said simply.

    "What? No fucking way. I came here with [Y/n], I'll leave here with [Y/n]."

    "I don't want to leave here," [Y/n] spat back at him.

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