#60 - With Precision

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If waking up had been hard in her comfortable bed before, then the bed she was in now made it practically impossible. [Y/n] felt as though she was swimming in a veil of warmth and security. Her room was... amazing. Huge, filled with priceless ornaments of gold and platinum, painted ceramics and silk banners. The four poster was twice the size of any large double bed she'd ever seen before - she wondered if this sized bed even had a name.

Two knocks sounded at the pine double-doors, causing [Y/n] to lethargically sit up and pull the cashmere dressing gown that had been left on the side for her over her figure. She walked over to the door, tiredly pulling it open.

"Good to see you again, [Y/n]," a lazy, pitchy voice drawled at the other side of the door. [Y/n] froze, immediately going to shut the door on the raven haired man, though it was futile as he kept the door open with his foot. "My, how rude.  Olli was the one who requested I come here in the first place so don't think I came here by my own free will," Rayne rolled his eyes. "Speaking of which... I couldn't find him. Is he in here with you?" the doctor questioned. [Y/n] slowly shook her head.

"I'm here," Olli responded from behind Rayne, causing the male to turn around and dip his head to the king.  Had he been following the whole time?  Probably. 

"Alright, [Y/n], come with us," Rayne said shortly, beckoning for the girl to follow. She pulled her dressing gown closer to herself, casting an unsure look at Olli, who gave her a small nod. With that, [Y/n] sucked in an anxious breath and followed, allowing the king to lead the way with Rayne only a step in front of her. She was glad the doctor didn't pressure her to walk in front of him - she felt much safer behind the two of them.

Quite quickly did they arrive at a small white room, a single bed in the corner. It looked like a medical office. She supposed it made sense that Olli would have his own room to have his wounds treated. Rayne beckoned for [Y/n] to seat herself on the bed - she hesitated once more, though ultimately did as he'd suggested. Rayne slipped his bag from his shoulder, removing a few objects from it.

"I assume you don't want me to see you every day," Rayne muttered, looking at [Y/n], "and frankly, I'd rather not see you either. So I've decided to teach Olli how to extract your blood," Rayne explained with a bored look on his face. He looked over at Olli. "Ever used a needle before?"

"I was trained in basic medicine around 300 years ago, but I'm sure things have changed since then. I admit my memory of that time is also relatively fuzzy," he hummed, looking at the needle Rayne held in his hand. Rayne nodded and Olli approached [Y/n], a sympathetic look on his face. He had only ever had one injection - it had merely been a booster just before a battle - and he'd remembered how much he disliked it.

"You should have no problem finding a vein," Rayne said, harshly snatching [Y/n]'s wrist, much to her displeasure. Olli nodded his head, as Rayne beckoned to the vein that would be best to use on the back of her hand. "I want you to try and push this needle into that vein," Rayne explained. The needle was connected to a long tube which then connected to a blood bag. Olli took the needle with a clear amount of hesitance, looking at [Y/n] apologetically as he took her hand from Rayne, far more careful than the doctor had been. He was a completely different man to the one she'd imagined after their first meeting. Expectations vs realities, perha—

    Whatever [Y/n] had just been thinking about immediately disappeared from her mind as the feeling of the needle being pushed into the back of her hand jolted her to a start — she had to fight every instinct to bat Olli away and run to whichever corner she could find.  Though Olli was clearly not enjoying the experience either, Rayne didn't seem to care in the slightest.  He glanced over now and again, but he seemed busy scribbling something down in a notebook. 

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