#76 - Never Surrender

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It was the following morning.  The grand doors to Nyais' new home were opened and the slightly misplaced man walked through them, the same sudden wave of doubt and anxiety hitting him as always.  He knew he wasn't supposed to be here.  He knew this was Olli's responsibility, and in feeding his own selfish desire by helping the boys, he had killed the king.  He may not have been the one with blood on his hands, but it never would have happened if the boys hadn't known of the information he had.  There was also a part of Nyais that had been fearful and had wanted the torture to stop, but it wasn't even...

He sighed.  He couldn't blame something like the torture for his betrayal of the king.  He'd faced much worse and kept information withheld before.  This was most certainly because of his hatred of Olli.

Looking down the corridor, he watched his guards remove a contemplative looking Sally from the area.  Nyais waved his hand to stop them, instead beckoning her forwards.  Hesitantly she obliged.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Nyais commented.  Sally gave a nervous smile.

"Not a ghost," she explained with a light laugh.  She didn't like the man who stood before her but nothing would stop her being polite to everyone and everything.  Nyais noticed a lighter clasped tight in her hand.  Raising an eyebrow, he gestured for her to hand it over.

"Where on earth did you get this?" he questioned, but his inquiry was answered as he felt a small engraving on the lighter when it was placed in his hand.  He held the object up to inspect it, and let out a sigh when he read the name 'Kori' inscribed into the side of the metal case.

"That guy came here yesterday to 'drop off some reports'," Sally explained.  She knew she had to tell the truth - she'd rather not have any of the privileges that the three had earned taken away from them.  "I believe he thought [Y/n] was here, but he found me instead.  He'd acted polite the whole time until the very last second, so I think he knows who we are as well," she said quietly.  Nyais nodded his head.  Much to Sally's surprise, he gave her back the lighter.  He was fully aware that Sally wouldn't risk using it on anyone, and she clearly wasn't the type to injure herself with it.  He needed them to trust him.  There wasn't even that much of a tactical reason for that - he simply felt that way.

"Yes, they likely all know who you are.  Kori most of all, I'm sure," Nyais hummed.  "I'm shocked you're still alive.  I expect he's had some ulterior motive regarding your 'still living' status, however," he pondered.  Sally was honestly surprised the usually quiet king was engaging in conversation with her.

"If you don't mind me asking... do you have any ulterior motives in keeping us alive, too?" Sally questioned.  Nyais let out a laugh - the first laugh she'd heard from him, and she couldn't be sure whether it was honest or sarcastic.

"I suppose I do," he dipped his head.  "I want her to come back, and I feel she'll be more inclined to do so if you're here," he explained.

"Why do you want her back?" Sally pressed.

"I..." Nyais paused, wondering whether this was a question he should answer.  "I want her back because this is her home.  She doesn't belong with humans anymore," he muttered.


"You really like questions, don't you?" Nyais observed, however answering these questions was oddly therapeutic for him.  It was as though he was sorting through his thoughts and settling on one of the many answers he had for each inquiry.  "[Y/n] was given a drug that took away her mortality.  She cannot grow old, she cannot have children, she cannot experience most sicknesses and, therefore, she cannot live in your society."  Sally blinked in shock at the revelation, her questions now being silenced.  "She belongs here with us - she may still be more similar in species to your friends than to me, however we are more suited to keep her safe than you are."

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