#27 - Not As Planned

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    [Y/n] sat on the end of the bed, a pencil and sheet of paper in her hands. Nyais had left early this morning to do some work regarding her and his job. Absentmindedly, she drew little shapes that turned into little animals here and there, the piece of paper eventually getting filled with these doodles. By 1:23pm, Nyais still wasn't back.

    Or so she thought. A knock eventually sounded on the door, encouraging [Y/n] to race to it to let Nyais in. Then she realised she didn't exactly have a key to use.

    "Sorry Nyais, you took the key - did you lose it?" she called out to who she presumed was Nyais on the other side of the door. The wonderful answer of 'no response' left her a little confused. Did vampires have delinquents? Did someone just do a knock and run? "Nyais?" she called again.

    "Stand back, [Y/n]," a voice called back. It wasn't Nyais' voice. In fact, it took her a while to realise who's it was.

    "...Draka?" [Y/n] called back, stepping away from the door in fear. Should she hide? That would make sense, but maybe he was just here to talk to her. The sudden impact that hit the door, shattering it into pieces, convinced her otherwise. The red eyed boy smiled at [Y/n], who stood - paralysed in fear - at the other side of the room.

    "I'm sorry about the door, [Y/n]," he apologised, dipping his head. He held a glass of some drink in his right hand. Holding it up, he gestured to it. "I'm going to have to ask you to drink this. I promise you it won't hurt or anything - it won't even taste bad, we made sure of it." [Y/n] shook her head, backing up a little more before she hit the wall. She then began to slowly edge herself towards a door. "Backing yourself into a corner isn't going to make things any easier, [Y/n]," Draka frowned.

    "W-why do you need me to drink that?" [Y/n] had two possibilities in mind: a) the boys had gotten mad at her and were going to try and kill her or b) the boys were going to drug her and take her back to where she'd been before.

    "I'm sure you already know, but if you need me to spell it out for you... we're bringing you home."

    "I'm already here. My home's with Nyais," [Y/n] growled. Draka gave her a sympathetic smile, shaking his head. [Y/n], in her confused state, seemed to miss the obvious. "He'll be back soon. Y-you won't stand a chance— y-you—"

    "Really?" Draka responded. "Look, [Y/n], don't be mad but..." he looked over at the doorframe with a sad smile before looking back at [Y/n]. "Nyais is dead."

    Nyais is dead.

[Y/n] stared for a moment, empty.  Then started the trembling.


She shook her head, her wide eyes glazing with a silver sheen of bereavement.

"You're lying," she cried out, "you have to be..."

They stared at one another for a while, neither making a move.  There was hardly any emotion on Draka's face.  [Y/n] so desperately wanted this to be a nightmare - for Nyais to wake her up and tell her everything would be okay - but the painful rapid knocking of her heart against her chest was too real to be mistaken for any sort of dream.  She took a long breath.

"I won't go with you," she said quietly.

"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice," Draka responded levelly.  "Do you remember Olli?"  [Y/n] nodded slowly.  "Well, without Nyais, he's going to be the one to take you next.  Do you really want to be a slave to that thing?"  [Y/n] did nothing.  She thought about nothing.  In her empty moment, not even processing Draka's words, she slowly lowered herself to sit on the floor.  It wasn't dramatic - there was no anguished scream, no knees buckling as she tried to stay upright.  She simply moved herself to sit down.

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