#78 - Surprise

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The same old room. Though he'd only been alive for a few months, this room - the familiarity of it - made that small amount of time seem to stretch endlessly. He could hear the cathartic sound of Mitzu playing a harp in his room three doors down, and some strange clanging from Laion's space. None of them had been working since they had disposed of Olli. The whole of Kutelo had come to a standstill for the elites, and them. Only the lowliest of workers were still forced to continue with their daily tasks, and if they refused... the punishments were even more severe than usual. Perhaps it was to prevent the whole of Kutelo having a class battle. It had likely been a long time coming.

Filing away the last of the overdue paperwork that he figured he may as well complete, Seishin let out a groan of annoyance. That groan likely would've stretched on a while longer had it not been abruptly cut off by an object travelling through the air at terrifying speed, lodging itself in the wall right beside Seishin's head. Seishin turned to gaze at it, plucking it from where it was fixed. An arrow, the tip slightly damp.

He turned to look at his doorframe, unsurprised to see Aytsa stood there, a pout on his lips.

"Crap... missed," he sighed to himself, pushing his black tresses back. Seishin raised a brow.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" the blonde interrogated, but Aytsa didn't seem to pick up on the obvious malice that Seishin had attempted to threaten him with. It was typical of Aytsa to not read the blatant signals dangling before him - Seishin knew that even if he had all his limbs torn off, he'd simply stitch them back on and continue in his usual blasé manner, which only served to irritate Seishin more. Did Aytsa truly have no self preservation? But, with knowledge of this, he didn't really blame Aytsa for whatever he'd just tried to do. He knew he might've done the same had he lacked as much sense as Aytsa did.

"Well, I might as well try to get rid of you now," Aytsa shrugged, "because we all know you'll be the hardest to kill later on."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Seishin responded drily. "If you wish to play an elimination game then please remind yourself that we will retaliate," Seishin sighed. In truth, as much as he hated all of the boys, there were things he liked about each of them, too. He had no emotional connection to any of them, but they all had their uses. Aytsa served as a good comic relief to everything with his absolute idiocy and constant attempts to seem likeable. Thinking about this, he realised that killing everyone would leave him entirely alone, and [Y/n] might eventually get sick of him. He almost laughed at the thought. For her to eventually get sick of him, she would have to like him in the first place.

Seishin turned to Aytsa, who had nonchalantly perched himself on the edge of Seishin's bed, making some comment under his breath about how it was more comfortable than his own. Seishin closed the drawer of files in his desk.

"So..." Aytsa hummed, "what do you think we're going to do about [Y/n]?" He tilted his head and Seishin could see that he was purposefully trying not to show any weakness. It was clear that Aytsa was panicking about [Y/n] as much as they all were, but throughout the whole thing he'd been making jokes and trying to pretend he didn't really care.

"She'll come to us," Seishin mused, "one way or another." Aytsa leaned back on Seishin's bed and faced the ceiling, green eyes taking in each and every slight crack or blemish. Seishin wondered whether he was daydreaming, and if so, what he was thinking about. Aytsa then rolled onto his side, facing the blonde once more.

"How the hell can you be sure about that?" Aytsa questioned - Seishin could hear the slight anger in his tone. "I mean, what if she's being tortured? You think she has enough luck to escape two high security situations with ease?"

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