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- art above is my own -

~ one true love ~

    Aytsa didn't know much of what was going on, if he was being completely honest with himself. As much as he wished he could blab on about all of the predictions he could make for the following hours like Kori or Seishin could, he was more feeling as clueless as Draka or Mitzu might. Which, in his eyes, was pretty much the biggest insult he could ever give himself. That was one thing that he hated about himself. As smart as he wished he could be, he'd never surpass Kori or Seishin. Or at least, his lack of self confidence would never allow him to think of himself as on their level.

    He wandered around the outskirts of Kutelo in a rather negative mindset, his [Y/n] nowhere to be found, just giving the occasional vampire basic medical attention and occasionally shooting an enemy between the eyes with a poisoned arrow, which at least helped him improve his mood just a little. He could imagine it was one of his housemates that he actually almost missed right now, or he could imagine it was Nyais... again.

    He wondered whether Rayne was alive. He would probably be a little sad if the man had died. He recalled Rayne having retreated further into Kutelo before the order for war had been declared, and that made little sense to him. In fact, it had seemed as though he was going to Nyais' quarters, but... well, Nyais wasn't in Kutelo at the time, so his only possible reason for doing so was absent. Unless he was paying a random visit to [Y/n]'s friends?

    Ah, yes, [Y/n]'s friends. He was a little sad that they got to stay in the underground fortress. Well, that was until he turned around and watched a giant stony grey dragon fly towards it with parted jaws.

    Now Aytsa was watching his home burn to the ground with a grin on his face. At least [Y/n]'s friends were dead, even if his father had died with them. He let out a soft, amused chuckle. That was one less thing for him to worry about. And so, he continued to walk. He wandered past a lake and briefly washed some blood off his hands, before following a small stream that led into the lake up along the side of one of the peaks in the Vihren mountain range. He tasted the crisp air on his tongue, along with the faint flavour of death and burning, which... well, weren't exactly flavours he wasn't used to. It just needed a hint of chemicals and he'd be back in Rayne's lab again, just with fresher and mustier air.

    He could feel the way the morning dew was beginning to sit on his skin. What time was it? Seven, eight in the morning? Though Aytsa was not actually very good at telling the time. This was one of his very few times being outside. Small things like birdsong startled him, until he stared at the bird and realised that it was harmless. That was, unless it was a Vihren spy, which was always a possibility. He was sure Vihren had an elf or two.

    On reflex, he accidentally shot a falcon with his bow, the screech having made him jump, thinking it could be the call of some winged beast that Vihren may harbour. He watched it fall to the ground and wandered over to it with a huff. It was a small looking thing. Grey feathers, white spotted chest, sharp hooked beak. And gripped within its yellow talons, attached to its leg with a piece of string, was a note. He carefully pulled his arrow from its chest and wiped off the blood, shoving it back in the quiver he wore on his back. Then he took the letter, unfurling it, a frown on his lips.

    'Your Majesty the Queen,

    I do not know where you are right now, or if it is too late, but I recommend you read this in complete solitude with no others watching.
    Once you are alone, continue.

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