#15 - Day Fifteen and at Least They're not Playing Fortnite

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[ I've attached a piece of music up (Gymnopédie by Erik Satie if you're interested) - I'd recommend playing this after the line 'the sound of a piano echoed softly in the background', just after Aytsa's section.  Of course you don't have to but it really works so I thought why not haha xD ]

Sat atop the bay horse, [Y/n] listened as wind whipped around her, whistling through the trees and forming a full musical score.  Birds hurried to their nests as the purple night drew in and the wind picked up.  Rain began to fall, but not usual rain.  It felt soft and comforting.  It was of a light teal colour, dying everything it touched.  Soon, as [Y/n] looked down at herself, she was no longer the [h/c] haired, [s/c] skinned, [e/c] eyed girl she knew.  Everything was that same teal colour.  Then, as she saw her reflection in a teal puddle, she began to burn.  First burning, then melting.  The teal horse she sat atop began to melt into the puddle as well.  Her feet touched the teal puddle and her skin began to peel before another person was revealed in the teal reflection - someone not dyed.  They were the same height as her and had strawberry blonde hair that reached down to their knees.  Their eyes were a soft lilac and their skin was of an olive tone.  Across her stomach she had the word 'cheater' engraved in jagged letters.

Sitting up with a start, [Y/n] placed her hand against her head and shut her eyes again for a moment.  The girl in her dream was engraved into her mind.  The dreams felt so real that [Y/n] couldn't help but wonder whether they were trying to warn her about something.  Then, a sound interrupted her thoughts.  The soft sound of violin, followed by an awkward squeak as an incorrect note was hit.  The sound was distant but [Y/n] could definitely hear it.  She stood up and (after quickly changing into some clothes) walked over to her door, opening it and stepping out into the corridor.

    As though she was in a trance, [Y/n] walked down the corridor in the direction the sound was coming from, eventually stopping outside Mitzu's door. She heard the notes he played clear as day, suddenly recognising the tune.

    G, D, A, G, F
D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, A, F, G.
G, D, A, G, C
A, Bb, C, D, Eb, D, C, A, G.

    She pushed the door open quietly.  The silver haired male was facing the other direction, the both he and the instrument swaying together to the tune.  [Y/n] noticed the violin wasn't the only instrument in the room: a key-weighted keyboard (complete with stand and sustain pedal) sat against one of the bare walls of his room.  On the floor beside it sat a small box, and in it she noted three black cases.  She presumed cornet, flute and something else that she couldn't figure out. 

    A polished electric-acoustic guitar sat next to an amp and perfectly coiled lead.  Then [Y/n]'s eyes flicked to a gorgeous harp.  How on earth all this appeared was beyond her level of understanding but she figured Nyais had something to do with it - he seemed to be a part of everything that ever happened in this place.  Her eyes returning to Mitzu, she noticed him playing the same tune over and over, adding improvised ornamentals that gave it a more full feeling.  He finally lowered the violin, wondering what instrument he should try next.  He froze when his peripheral vision caught sight of [Y/n], who seemed just as surprised as he was.  His surprised expression quickly faded to anger.

    "Why the hell are you in here?!" he snapped.  "Don't you know how to knock?"

    [Y/n]'s first thought was 'ah, crap, I made him mad', her second was 'how the hell did he learn to play like that overnight?' and her last was 'Jesus Christ he's tall'.

    "That was nice," she said simply, unable to decide on a thought to voice.  Mitzu seemed to be somewhere in between pissed off and grateful for her compliment as a grimace crossed his countenance, along with the faint hint of a blush.

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