#45 - Time Alone

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    Since [Y/n] had arrived at this place, she'd never once used the bath in her en-suite - only the shower as it was quicker and easier for her. Only now did she realise quite what she'd been missing out on. Every muscle in her aching body relaxed thanks to the warm water that flowed over her. She let out a soft sigh, content with the comfort of the water. It'd been a while since she'd been able to just think without fearing for her life. The threat wasn't gone, but just for a moment she could pretend it was.

    "[Y/n]! It's been so long!" a certain short-haired brunette called as she bounded over to her friend. Her arms flung themselves around the girl and a kiss was placed on each cheek in turn. Sally walked a little behind her, a soft smile on her face.

    "Hey Tara! Hey Sally," [Y/n] grinned. "Summer was soooooo long, I was bored out of my mind without you guys!" [Y/n] frowned. "Never thought I'd get excited to go back to school," she pouted. Sally giggled and Tara pulled a face at the mention of the building they stood before.

    "Sweetie, we were with one another practically every day," Sally laughed, shaking her head.

    "That's nowhere near enough!" [Y/n] rolled her eyes playfully, crossing her arms over her chest, though quickly unfolding them as she pulled both girls into a bear hug. "Ugh, I missed you every minute~!" She was about to continue but was cut short by the ringing of a bell from inside the school building. Tara let out an agonised groan and [Y/n] allowed the two to escape from her clutches, the three girls turning to look at the school building with dismay. [Y/n]'s shoulders sagged. "Okay, I take back my excitement for school. To Groundhog Day we go," she sighed. This earned light laughter from both girls, as well as someone else who seemed to be approaching from behind them.

    "Don't look too happy about school, [Y/n]," Damien chuckled. [Y/n] spun around to greet her other friend with a bright smile.

    "Ayyyy! It's everyone's favourite vampire wannabe!" she joked, a bright smile on her face. Damien rolled his eyes but accepted the hi-five that [Y/n] sent his way. "By the way, I found your YouTube channel," [Y/n] winked jokingly. Damien's face instantly seemed to become panicked.

    "YouTube channel...? Ahaha, I have a couple... um, which one?" he questioned. [Y/n] beamed a bright smile at him and gave him a thumbs up before grabbing Tara and Sally by the wrists and running off, dragging the two girls with her. The run was short lived as [Y/n] didn't care to have the whole school think she was some idiot, but turning to see Damien standing in shocked and confused silence was a brilliant start to her school year.

    "Hey [Y/n], you decent?" Seishin's voice called from the other side of the en-suite door. [Y/n] instinctively curled up into herself and wrapped her arms around her legs.

    "No," she responded quietly, but loud enough for him to hear her.

"When you are, Laion's going to be in the living room.  He wants to give you some salve for your scars and such," Seishin muttered, though he didn't seem too pleased about it.  "You don't have to go if you don't want to, though," he hummed.

"Thanks," [Y/n] responded blandly.

"Oh, and [Y/n]?" Seishin added, though his voice seemed slightly stiff and hesitant.  [Y/n] let out a 'hm?' to instigate that she wanted him to continue.  She could just about hear him take in a slightly sharp breath from the other side of the door.  "I'm... sorry that we put you through that." 

His footsteps slowly retreated and her bedroom door shut behind him soon afterwards.

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