#81 - Spy

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Kori had escaped the main group as quickly as he possibly could.  Loitering around the very core of their forces would surely put a target on his back - if there were to be an attack, he might be annihilated with the rest of them.  That simply couldn't be allowed to happen.

From where he was, he had a perfect vantage point.  He could see the mountain, all the tiny passageways disguised as caves that ran in and out of it, and even the old, twisted hawthorn that marked the main entrance of Kutelo. It was almost laughable that the single tree on the top of the mountain was perhaps more sturdy than any of them. Vampires, who lived eternally, would come to perish today. Yet that tree most likely would not.

He figured it would be beneficial to creep away somewhere where he could view everything, but not be seen himself. A cliff was an absolute no, and so were most of the pines that littered the area. But perhaps there would be a cave somewhere where he could merge himself with the shadows and continue to gaze down upon the impending bloodbath.

More laughable than the tree, Kori realised, was the lack of organisation. How easy it would be to simply desert. He was sure a number of elites would've deserted already, knowing the hopelessness of their battle.

Slinking back into the shrubbery, he made his silent exit, and - as expected - no one batted an eyelid. Once far enough away for sound to not be a problem, Kori began to run. He quickly entered Vihren territory, though only skulked on the outskirts. It was simply safer for him to be there than in the middle of Kutelo. Even with his hearing, which was less advanced than even some of his own group, he could hear conversations between various creatures of Vihren as they discussed strategy.

He could be a good strategist, he thought to himself. If he wanted to, he could've quickly gathered intel and organised the mess of an army back home, and they'd be done with it. But he was too young for their trust, and frankly he didn't care whether they lived or died. In fact, it may be in his favour if Kutelo were to be wiped out. The others would no doubt be taken with it, and [Y/n] would live without fear. Then, when she least expects it, he would be able to sweep her off her feet and take her away with him.

How romantic that sounded. On reflection, it would not be romantic at all. He didn't understand the workings of her brain and neither did she his. There was a cultural barrier that separated them, despite her having brought them up. How did it develop, he wondered? And what on Earth went wrong? Why did she despise him so much?

Could it be the... fire antics? He supposed maybe she wasn't a fan of being burned. Perhaps the shuriken added a bit of fear to the terrible concoction. On reflection, he likely wouldn't grow to be madly in love with someone who hurt him, either. But what was he to do? Let go of his whims like that? After all, treating her in such a way had been hilariously amusing for the boy.

He had found it funny that she was screaming out in agony. He paused for a moment to think on that idea. Could he truly call that love?

Sighing to himself, he concluded not to think on this strange trivia any longer. He took a deep breath in, and then slowly exhaled.

Yes, that's right. Nothing to worry about at all.

He stared over at the rock face he'd been travelling towards. Spotting a small cave there, he sped up his pace. He'd get there soon. Things were transient, and he couldn't think about looking back now. Reflection wouldn't get him anywhere. So why did he turn around?

His eyes rested on Kutelo.

A huge figure flew towards it - the shape of the dragon he'd seen carry [Y/n] away became apparent to him. It made a beeline for the mountain of Kutelo itself. The way it carried itself; it was odd to think this beast walked, spoke and even ate as a human would.

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