#30 - Pass the Parcel

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After the incident, Mitzu had encouraged [Y/n] to lie down on his bed and rest for a while.  She was shaking terribly and her eyes were squeezed shut.  She'd much rather be in her own bed, but at this point in time she was grateful that Mitzu seemed to care a little bit about the effects of his actions. 

"Hello!" a happy voice (Aytsa's no doubt) called from the doorway; the door slammed into Mitzu's wall causing the male to turn around and glare.  "[Y/n]?" Aytsa called out, the jubilance fading from his tone and being replaced with concern.  "The fuck did you do, Mitzu?"

"I just told her not to leave," Mitzu spat, holding his hands in front of him like he'd done nothing wrong.  Aytsa raised an eyebrow.

"Sure you did.  [Y/n], come on, let's go," Aytsa said softly, walking over to [Y/n] and placing a hand on her shoulder.  Mitzu glared poisonously over at him but he ignored it.  [Y/n] tensed at the feeling of Aytsa's hand, now slightly rough and calloused from his hobby of making things.  "Please?" he added quietly, his voice almost pleading.  "I've made a little present for you— it's a bit shoddy, it was the first time I'd tried to make one, but I think you might like it?"

"I want to go home," [Y/n] muttered quietly.  Aytsa sighed, turned to glare at Mitzu again, before lifting [Y/n] into his arms.  Despite being pretty short and frail looking, Aytsa was bloody strong, holding [Y/n] with no effort. 

"Well why don't you shut your eyes and pretend my room's home?" he said softly.  [Y/n] gritted her teeth, not liking being spoken to like a child, though she figured there wasn't much she could say about it.  Aytsa began to walk, carefully making sure he didn't bump her on any walls or doors, before reaching his room and - as his hands were occupied - opening his door with his foot.

He placed her down and shut his door.  He then raised his index finger to indicate that he wanted her to wait for a moment, before he moved over to his messy workbench and picked up a small wooden box.  He brought it back over to [Y/n], blowing the dust off it, before passing it to her.

[Y/n] stared at it in confusion and concern for a second.  She could only hope that when she opened it, it wouldn't send her spiralling into another one of those visions.  Hesitantly, she did so.

It was a necklace - a pretty necklace with a silver chain and a glistening shaped pendant on the end.  The shape?  A kitten.  How adorable yet oddly concerning.

"Do you remember this?" he asked, an amused smile on his face as he held up the drawing of a cat he'd done on the same day that he'd declared she was a 'kitten'.  She nodded, though stayed quiet.  "Well, I remember that night I established that this was a portrait of you," he chuckled, shaking his head at his childishness.  [Y/n] couldn't find the same amusement, however, the vivid images of her dismembered friends playing in her mind over and over like a broken record.  Aytsa's smile turned slightly sad.

"When I was with Rayne, I managed to work out where to get my hands on some uncut diamonds.  They're much less expensive if you have to cut them yourself, and you wouldn't believe that he actually funded me getting them for you!" he laughed.  "That little charm is made of pure diamond, well— with some platinum backing to hold it to the necklace," he smiled. 

[Y/n] couldn't work out what was more shocking - the fact that she was wearing an expertly crafted diamond necklace, or the fact that Rayne of all people had been the philanthropist who'd allowed it to happen.

"Th-thank you very much Aytsa, but I can't accept this," she said quietly, pushing the box towards him.  Aytsa raised an eyebrow.

"I mean I knew you'd say that but could you at least try the necklace on first?" he questioned, a small frown on his face.  He then took her hand and pulled her over to the mirror in his room, before delicately removing the box from her hands and standing behind her.  He placed the necklace around her neck and [Y/n] noticed how his breath hitched a little when he saw the bite mark from Seishin, however he managed to ignore it and did the clasp.

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