#29 - Insignificance

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Slightly graphic warning after Mitzu starts playing the violin.  If you're squeamish maybe skim over it :)



    An irritating sensation made [Y/n] blink her eyes open in surprise. She sat up in an instant, pulling away from the tapping feeling on her cheek. The cause - Mitzu - pulled away also, a bored and annoyed look on his face. [Y/n] met his gaze with a glare which he returned instantly.

"You're with me for now," he said coldly.

"I'm not an object!" [Y/n] returned abrasively, to which Mitzu seemed to straighten a little and clear his throat.  At his actions, [Y/n] couldn't help but dip her head a little in a half-assed apology.  It wasn't like she cared whether he was annoyed with her, but she didn't want to get attacked for it.  She paused, rubbing her neck.  "Um... what happens with all that... uh- stuff- that Seishin was talking about...?" she whispered.

Mitzu watched her for a moment with a confused expression before a light seemed to shine in his eyes as he remembered.  This look of recollection was instantly followed by laughter - he held his stomach and leant forwards, laughing more than she'd ever seen him laugh before.

"What...?  What's so funny?" [Y/n] muttered.

"You didn't think that blonde bastard meant anything by what he said?  God, do you really think we're that bad?" he asked, an eyebrow raised, though still chuckling amusedly.

"Y-Yes!  Yes you're that bad- you've done stuff like that before, why wouldn't you do it again?" [Y/n] muttered, her eyebrows furrowed.

"We've done stuff like that before?" Mitzu questioned.  [Y/n] looked a little confused.  "There's no we about it, [Y/n].  Seishin and Kori lost their tempers once, but we've all discussed that and have concluded that such measures should only be taken in dire circumstances.  Right now, there's nothing dire about the situation other than Seishin wanting to scare the shit out of you because he's a twat and wanted to get his own back for you leaving us," he muttered.

"I didn't bring you up to be foul mouthed," [Y/n] said quietly, looking away.  Mitzu seemed surprised and almost touched by her words, though simply shrugged.

"I've heard you stub your toe before," he countered.  [Y/n] rolled her eyes, leaning back on her bed slightly.  She was more relaxed now she knew that she wasn't going to be tortured.  Strangely enough, knowing you're going to wake up the next morning with all limbs intact was quite the relief.  Funny how that works.

"Just because you're not gonna go through hell doesn't mean we're not mad at you, though," Mitzu said firmly, the amusement dropping from him as soon as it came.  [Y/n] visibly tensed at this, and more so when he put his hand on her shoulder, even though the gesture was clearly intended to calm her down.  "Relax.  I just want to talk."  She nodded slowly.

"A-alright," she stuttered, "then let's talk."  He gave her a slightly strange look as though saying 'I didn't need you to agree but fine'. 

"What was life as a human like?" he asked after a moment of hesitation as he thought.  [Y/n] blinked in surprise.  It felt like so long ago... she couldn't really put words to it.  What was it like?

"Free," was the first thing she could think of saying, before adding, "and fun.  I could hang out with friends if I wanted to, go where I wanted to - of course, you had to have the money to do that, but even earning a wage by doing work made you feel... I don't know, worth something."

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