#48 - A Warm Embrace

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[Y/n] appeared to awaken to an argument.  After briefly and succinctly checking her surroundings and affirming that she was still in Aytsa's room, she turned her gaze (her eyes only open to a slit so it seemed as though she were still sleeping) to the pair of bickering individuals by the doorframe.

"We've already been through this, Aytsa!" Mitzu snapped, "you can't keep holding onto her like this!  Don't be such a fucking child."

    "Says the guy who plays flute for the animals," Aytsa grinned amusedly, seeming entirely unbothered by Mitzu's appearance, "how about we make a deal? Whoever offers her the thing she likes the most gets to spend time with her."

    "She's sleeping, she can't make decision, fuckwit." Aytsa raised a brow at Mitzu's claim.

    "Is she? But I was sure she'd been awake for a minute and a half," he hummed, pulling a couple of pieces of paper from his workbench while the girl who'd been trying to pretend she was still asleep went rigid. Mitzu narrowed his eyes in her direction, before letting out a sigh. He turned to look at Aytsa again, who extended a pen and a piece of paper forwards for Mitzu to take. He did so.

    "Alright. We write our offers on these pieces of paper and give them to her." He paused, looking over at [Y/n] with a smile. "Kitten, you can stop pretending now." Mitzu scrunched up his nose slightly at the nickname he'd given her but chose not to comment. [Y/n] slightly sat up in response to his words. Resentment was etched onto her expression. Mitzu couldn't help but wonder just what Aytsa had said or done to make her look so hateful towards him.  Then again, it could just be existing.  Aytsa was pretty shit in his opinion at least.

    He pushed that thought away and took the paper in his hands, sitting down and resting it on his knee so he could write his proposal. Aytsa sat at his workbench and did the same. In no time, the pair gave their pieces of paper to [Y/n] - the only one who seemed to be enjoying themselves was Aytsa, but you could never really tell what hid behind his smiling facade.

    [Y/n] slowly picked both pieces of paper up, unfolding them and reading each in turn.

    'We could draw together or read a book, of your choosing of course. Maybe even play some games - just chill and put everything behind us for a while.' [Y/n] quickly assumed this was Aytsa's piece of paper, which admittedly made the offer less appealing. She picked up the other piece of paper.

    'I'll take you to Nyais' apartment for a bit.'

    "..." [Y/n] stared with no visible emotion on her face, processing for a while. She sucked in a breath and looked up at Mitzu, her brow furrowing. "Y-you'd really do that?" she questioned. Aytsa looked dumbfounded, snatching the piece of paper from [Y/n] to read whatever Mitzu had offered that had captivated her so quickly. His eyes skimmed over the page and he let out a groan of annoyance. He wanted to slam his head against the wall for not thinking of that.

    "You sneaky bastard," Aytsa laughed, though the laugh was merely for appearances sake. He hid everything under a smile and a laugh, it seemed. Perhaps he felt vulnerable when showing his true self. [Y/n] couldn't tell. She looked up at Mitzu and nodded her head. The silver haired boy tried to suppress a triumphant smile, though his eyes definitely let on his happiness.

    "When should we go?" [Y/n] questioned. Mitzu shrugged.

    "Now?" he asked, and [Y/n] nodded her head in affirmation. After all, there was something she wanted to find.

* * *

    The walk to Nyais' apartment was shorter than she remembered, but [Y/n] didn't care. It was likely her pace that made the walk seem so brief - she was so eager to get there, so eager to find the thing that she couldn't stop thinking about since her last visit.  Well, she knew she wouldn't find that specific thing.  Rayne burnt it to ashes.  In fact, [Y/n] didn't exactly know what she was looking for.  The only thing she knew was that, whatever it was, it would help her understand some of the questions she still had for Nyais.

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