#11 - Day Eleven and An Unexpected Guest

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[ Heyyy~ thanks for 2k, guys :D y'all are amazing :,)
Up there in the little thingy-ma-jiggy is a piece of music I wrote and played for this book. It's called 'Forever and Ever' which is the name of a chapter I have planned. Pretty sure that's chapter 23 :)
So ye, don't listen to it if you don't want to but it's there if you're interested. Also I'm sorry if the sound quality is bad! There's only so much a girl earning £6 a week can get her hands on when it comes to recording software (an iPhone and Garage Band did the trick) and the audio was recorded in my living room. Not exactly a 'recording studio' environment but eh, it did what I wanted it to xD
Thanks again for reading my terrible book and I hope you enjoy what I've got in store for y'all~ :D ]

    Upon waking up, [Y/n] picked her clothes from the wardrobe carefully. She came across a turtleneck jumper - emerald green and made of cashmere - so she was quick to take off her pyjama top and slip that on. Though she hoped it wasn't the case, she figured the boys already knew. Even so, if they didn't she wasn't planning on telling them. She worried it would be a bad example. The plate of fudge had moved position from the night before - it now sat atop her dressing table, desperately awaiting being eaten. She walked over to it and wondered whether Nyais had been the one to move it as he left. 

She didn't remember anything after Nyais left to go to the bathroom and fetch things to clean her neck.  She presumed that was because she passed out, but she had no idea.  If she had passed out, why was she in her pyjamas?  Had Nyais changed her?  The idea brought heat to her cheeks but she quickly pushed the thoughts away, slipping on a pair of jeans and walking over to her en-suite bathroom to freshen herself up.

The bathroom was small yet pretty.  Pine wood and cream walls gave a perfect contrast of light and dark, plus the warm lights overhead cosied and humbled the room. [Y/n] walked over to the ceramic sink, allowing the cold water tap to run for a moment before cupping her hands under the tap and washing her face. Well, perhaps more so 'soaking' her face. The cold water inflicted a nervous jolt in the female that caused her to wake up completely. [Y/n] shut off the water and dried her face off with the towel.

    After doing everything else she needed to do, [Y/n] exited the bathroom and walked over to the fudge. She broke off a piece and placed it on her tongue, her eyes widening slightly at how perfect it was. Everything had been done exactly and accurately; it was perhaps the most authentic tasting fudge she had ever tried. Perhaps this was because the boys didn't have tastes or personal preferences clouding their judgement when measuring out the ingredients, [Y/n] thought.

    Subconsciously the girl broke off another piece, then another, before suddenly half the fudge had gone and [Y/n] had to force herself to leave the plate alone.

    "Why'd you stop?" a calm voice came from her doorway. A certain blonde boy stood in the doorframe, tilting his head. For once Seishin didn't wear an expression of contempt or disdain, but instead mere curiosity. [Y/n] gave him a slightly nervous smile.

    "How long have you been there?" she asked.

    "Since you came out of the bathroom," he shrugged, before his gaze hardened slightly. "You seemed to be enjoying the fudge. Why did you stop?" he asked again, clearly not satisfied with [Y/n]'s evasion techniques.

    "I am; it's really good," [Y/n] said softly, "but fudge is very rich in flavour. If I eat too much I'll feel sick," she explained. Seishin frowned.

    "Do you feel sick now?" he asked curiously. [Y/n] shook her head. Seishin's brows furrowed. "Then have some more." [Y/n] opened her mouth to object but he cut her off with a simple shake of his head. "Don't argue with me, [Y/n]. Just eat some more."

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