Asthmatic!Hinata x Kageyama Part 2

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After the incident in the bathroom, Kageyama convinced Hinata to tell the team what really happened. Hinata hated every bit of it. The team constantly asked if he was okay or if he needed a break.


"I'm fine," He'd always reply. Even though he wanted to sit down and catch his breath, he also wanted to keep playing and work just as hard as everyone else. But he also didn't want to worry everyone, so when they told him to sit down, he did.


It all started one practice when Hinata was determined to learn this new quick. He pushed himself a lot and refused to take a break. He wanted to practice more, but he overdid it. He needed to sit down. His breathing patterns were all over the place. His movements were becoming sluggish. And to the point where even he said he needed to sit down.

So that's what he did. He went to sit down and looked for his inhaler, but couldn't seem to find it anywhere. Hinata was freaking out a bit and the whole team noticed. Kageyama walked over and tried to help find it, but even he couldn't find it anywhere.

Hinata was still breathing weirdly and it was freaking everyone out a little.

"Hinata when did you last see it?" Suga questioned. Hinata took a deep breath and rushed out.

"I think I left it at home." Well, he didn't think. He knew, he just didn't want to believe it. Hinata has purposely left it at home to prove that he didn't need it. Yet, he still ended up needing it.

Coach Ukai wasn't here today and of course it's today. Hinata sat down for the rest of practice, but still didn't get any better. By the time practice ended, he was acting as if he was sleeping even though he wasn't. His movements were slow and as he tried to pack up, his breathing would stagger. 

"Help him, please." Suga nudged Kageyama. "Make sure he gets home safely."

"And it works because you two normally walk home together, right?" Daichi added. Kageyama nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine." He huffed.

Kageyama pushed Hinata back up onto the bench and started packing up his stuff.

"I-I can do it, K-Kageyama," Hinata huffed.

"No you can't," Kageyama quickly shut him down.

Kageyama squatted down in front of Hinata, silently telling him to get on his back.

"No way!"

"Just do it," Kageyama wasn't in the mood to argue. Hinata could tell and he was in no state to argue so reluctantly got on.

Kageyama carried him all the way to the club room and when he got there, everyone was already gone.

'That was fast,' he thought.

Kageyama set Hinata down as he got his stuff. Suga said he would lock up for him, since he was taking Hinata home.

Kageyama finished getting his stuff and then picked Hinata, who was oddly quiet, up. After grabbing both of their stuff he started the walk home. Kageyama struggled a little. He had to make sure he didn't drop Hinata and had to carry both of their things.

Kageyama felt Hinata's odd pattern of breathing on his neck. Hinata had gotten comfortable and laid his head on Kageyama's shoulder. Kageyama sighed softly. Why he pushes himself so hard even though it has a price to pay, is beyond him.


Kageyama finally made it to Hinata's house and walked in, knowing it was unlocked since his mom was home. Kageyama continued to explain what happened to Hinata's mom, but changed the story a bit, so she wouldn't wonder why there was no adult there and why no one called her. Hinata's mother thanked Kageyama and offered for him to stay for dinner, but he told her that his mom had dinner waiting for him at home, which was true. 

Once Kageyama made it home, he ate dinner, but then went straight to his room and thought about what happened today.


Hinata started making a habit of forgetting his inhaler and everytime he would have to sit out. But that didn't stop the Karasuno parents from freaking out everytime he forgot his inhaler. Hinata always sat there being miserable the rest of practice, but always insisted they don't call his mom. But this was getting serious, so they might have to.

Once again, after Kageyama got home from taking Hinata home, he pulled out his laptop and just started searching up everything about asthma. He didn't go to bed until 2am that night.


Luckily, Hinata started bringing his inhaler to practice again. He learned that he could play more that way. So it was safe to say everyone on the team was happy. But Hinata still would accidently forgot his inhaler sometimes, but now, Kageyama was there to help. 



I don't have asthma so sorry if anything is incorrect

This was a request and they got this idea from a twitter post

I'm just making it into a one-shot

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