Hinata x Kageyama

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For the ending of this one-shot I used the lyrics from Jenny by Studio Killers :D 

Also I was gonna post a different one-shot today, but I already had half of this written, so I just finished it lol 

Another chapter tmr :o but it's 4:09am right now, so I'm gonna go to bed :p


Kageyama could not stop staring at his phone.

The screen lights up with a picture of Hinata. Without his shirt on.

He took a picture of his ceiling. He quickly typed out, 'HINATA BOKE. DON'T SEND ME PICTURES OF YOU LIKE THAT'

On the other side of the conversation, Hinata giggled at Kageyama's reaction. He was secretly playing truth or dare with Nishinoya and Tanaka. He was a bit embarrassed, but they had seen each other shirtless while changing, so it shouldn't have been a big deal.

He quickly switched to texting setter.


Sorry, it was a dare.

                                                                                                                                                                                  The moon

                                                                                                  Tell Nishinoya and Tanaka to leave me out of this


I never even said who I was playing it with :(

                                                                                                                                                                                  The moon

                                                                                  You have no other friends who would dare you to do that


Meanie :p

                                                                                                                                                                                  The moon


That was the end of their conversation. Hinata ended up playing a few more rounds of truth or dare with Noya and Tanaka before calling it quits and heading to bed.


The next morning, Kageyama couldn't look Hinata in the eyes. The photo lingering in the back of his mind. It was just so... suggestive. A part of him got excited thinking about it, but the other part of him knew it was wrong to think about his friend like that.

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