Hinata x Kageyama

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Hinata's cheeks puffed out as he stared at his boyfriend. They had been studying at Kageyama's house for the past 2 hours and Hinata was officially done studying, but Kageyama was still focused on his school work.

The ginger had tried to get the setter's attention for the past 30 minutes now, but Kageyama still hadn't given him any. Now Hinata was lying on the floor trying to think of a new way to get his boyfriend's attention.

All of sudden, an idea came to Hinata. The boy quickly sat up and stared at Kageyama. Kageyama didn't even spare him a glance.

Hinata's hand creeped up his own shirt as he started to tease his nipple. He didn't take his gaze off the setter in hopes he would look at him. When that hadn't worked, Hinata kept his hand on his chest as he rolled his head back as his breath started coming out in short pants.

Kageyama had lost all focus on his school work, but he pretended to pay attention to it. He wanted to see what Hinata was up to. He didn't even realize Hinata wanted his attention.

Hinata's face heated up as he brought his head back up. Kageyama still wasn't looking at him. He decided he had no choice.

Rubbing his thighs together he let out a deep groan. "Kageyama~" Hinata grounded out his name, hoping to finally get said boy's attention.

Kageyama had to fight off a blush. What the hell is this idiot doing?!

Luckily for Hinata, Kageyama's parents weren't home, so they were home alone. Keeping his breath short, he started to actually become turned on from touching himself. His other wanted to creep down to another area, but he had to wait.

"Kag-Kageyama~" Hinata panted as he could feel himself starting to get hard. His mind started to wonder as he thought of all the wonderful things his boyfriend could do to him. Just the thought of it made Hinata let out a low moan. His mind was in the gutter, not even thinking of how embarrassing this was.

Kageyama finally looked at Hinata and he couldn't fight off a blush as he saw the state his boyfriend was in. Face flushed, chest heaving, thighs pushed together, hand continuing to touch his own chest. Kageyama started to sputter out nonsense before he finally got a sentence out.

"Boke Hinata! What are you doing?!" He yelled, obviously startled.

Hinata grinned, happy to finally have his boyfriend's attention. He crawled over to Kageyama and sat in between his legs. Hinata wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck and leaned in to kiss him, both of them falling backwards in the process. Hinata confidently kissed his boyfriend.

Kageyama didn't refuse the kiss, but he didn't take it any further than a mere peck. Hinata was completely on top of him and Kageyama was still beyond confused. He tried pushing Hinata's shoulders back, but Hinata just attached his lips to the setter's neck.

Kageyama gave up on trying to move Hinata out of the way. He would let Hinata get this out of his system before he would try to talk to him again.

Hinata started to suck on a certain part of the younger boy's neck, causing Kageyama to squirm a little.

"Hinata, knock it off. You're going to leave a hickey," He fused.

The older boy didn't listen as he started grinding into Kageyama. Said boy's eyes widened as he felt Hinata's bulge. What caused this?

"Hinata," He tried to get his attention. Kageyama was becoming easily flustered. "H-Hinata!" He bit back a moan.

Hinata smiled against Kageyama's neck and he started to move his hips a little more aggressively, trying to get the friction he needed.

Kageyama didn't like that Hinata wasn't listening to him. He quickly grabbed both of Hinata's arms and in one swift motion, he had Hinata pinned under him. He put his knee between the older boy's legs and used one of his hands to hold Hinata's hands above his head. Then he used his other hand to hold down his boyfriends raging hips.

Hinata smiled at him. "See, it's no fun being ignored," He laughed. Kageyama glared at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked. He thought Hinata was joking around earlier, and Kageyama really needed to study for this upcoming test, so he was ignoring Hinata, not wanting to joke around.

Hinata turned his head to the side. "I was trying to get our attention for like half an hour. Do you see what it took for me to get your attention." He related to their situation now. "And look where it got me." Hinata blushed. He wouldn't normally act like this, but he was feeling a little horny and Kageyama wouldn't even acknowledge him. That's why he acted out like this.

Kageyama looked down at his boyfriend's little problem and grinned. "Sorry I avoided you," He apologized. "But if you were feeling horny you should have just said something." He released his grip on Hinata's arms and placed his large hand on Hinata's stomach.

Hinata blushed. "It's embarrassing to admit that, idiot," He mumbled as Kageyama's hand started to roam his stomach and chest.

Kageyama just lightly laughed off Hinata's words as his other hand trailed to Hinata's inner thigh. He rubbed little circles onto his thigh as his other hand worked his way pulling down his pants.

"Here, let me help," Both boys grinned. 

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