Nishinoya x Hinata

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Dedicated to  pheonixfire_2006 I'm so sorry for the long wait! I swear I tried my hardest to write smut... I hope you like it :) 


Collarbones and neck kisses are very hot. Thank you for your time.


"Noya," Hinata laughed.

Noya continued to tickle his boyfriend's stomach, and he planned to do so until he was begging him to stop.

Hinata's shirt had ridden all the way up to his neck, seeing as Noya was trying to touch as much of his boyfriend as possible.

"No-Noya!" Hinata shrieked, gasping for breath.

"Call uncle," Noya grinned. The orange haired boy shook his head. "Call uncle!" He laughed.

Hinata's laughter filled the air of Noya's bedroom. Noya smiled. "I'm not gonna stop until you say it."

Hinata couldn't breath, he was laughing so hard, but he didn't want to cave in. He lightly whispered 'uncle', but Noya didn't hear it. But Noya did see how Hinata was starting to struggle to breathe after laughing so hard. He stopped his tickle attack, and let Hinata breathe a little.

Noya was straddling the younger boy and he leaned down, listening to Hinata catch his breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?" He said in a teasing voice.

Hinata puffed out his cheeks. "Uncle," He said loud enough for Noya to hear. Noya smirked and leaned down to give his boyfriend a little peck on the lips. Before he could come all the way back up, Hinata grabbed the back of Noya's neck and brought his lips back to his.

Noya smiled into the kiss. Hinata rarely acts like this, but Noya secretly loves it. It's almost always Noya making most of the moves during the beginning of a make-out session. It's nice to see him have the confidence.

The kiss started out a little slow, but then Noya couldn't keep his hands to himself and started to run them all around Hinata's chest. Noya broke their kiss, ignoring Hinata's little whine of protest.

Noya ran kisses down his cheek and down to Hinata's neck and collarbones. Noya removed his lips from his boyfriend for a minute so he could take off Hinata's shirt. He looked at Hinata, but frowned when Hinata didn't look very interested. He grabbed Hinata's chin and forced him to look at him.

"Bored already?" Noya asked.

Hinata shook his head. "No of course not. I..." His eyes roamed away from Noya's. Too embarrassed to finish his sentence.

Noya followed his eyes. "You what?" He asked.

Hinata decided that he would rather just do it instead of telling him. They do say actions speak louder than words. Moving up to meet Noya's lips again, he switched their position so that he was now straddling Noya.

Noya still didn't really understand what Hinata wanted, but he liked this new position, so it was okay. Noya rested his hands on the back of Hinata's thighs, as Hinata's hands cupped Noya's face.

Hinata brought himself up so that he had to lean to kiss Noya. Vise versa, Noya had to tilt his head upwards to kiss Hinata.

Noya was taken by surprise when Hinata made a drastic change in the tempo of the kiss. It went from slow and steady to if-I-don't-kiss-you-now-I-think-I'm-gonna-die. Noya easily caught up to the change of pace and started to run his hands up and down Hinata's back.

Hinata started gripping Noya's hair. Noya's eyes rolled back into his head, loving the feeling. The boys quickly broke apart, catching their breath and Noya swiftly took off his shirt. Hinata was still catching his breath, so Noya started to kiss his stomach and chest.

Noya listened to the sound of Hinata's staggered breathing and looked up at him. "You know we have an early practice tomorrow," Noya reminded Hinata. Hinata scoffed.

"Says you. Don't leave any marks," He warned. Noya gave a very boy-ish grin. He rubbed Hinata's shoulders.

"But how can I resist when your skin is so soft," Noya nipped at his boyfriend's chest. His hands started roaming around Hinata's bottom. He gave his ass a nice squeeze before looking up at him again. "And skipping one practice wouldn't kill us." He continued to feel up his boyfriend. 

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