Bokuto x Akaashi

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Sorry I like never update... school is very annoying


Akaashi watched as Bokuto entered his room. He had invited him over about an hour ago and Bokuto was just now getting there.

"What took you so long?" Akaashi asked. He didn't ask in a mean tone, he was just genuinely wondering because they didn't live very far from each other.

"Oh, sorry. I was grabbing some things from the gas station and got distracted," Bokuto apologized. Akaashi just nodded. Bokuto started to pull out all the things he bought and Akaashi grinned.

"Are those for me?" Akaashi asked, pointing to his favorite candy.

"Yeah, I bought them just for you," Bokuto smiled. Akaashi fought off a blush.

Akaashi had a major crush on the Ace. It was quite obvious to everyone too, but Bokuto was too dense to notice. Akaashi had called him over tonight and planned on telling him, but actually seeing him in person was nerve-racking.

Akaashi turned on the t.v. for some background noise as Bokuto came to sit by him on his bed. "So... what do you want to do?" Bokuto asked.

Akaashi reached over to his night stand where a volleyball was taking up most of it. He set it to Bokuto and Bokuto spiked the ball into a pillow. They repeated this for awhile, until Bokuto had gotten lazy and messed up his spike. The ball had ended up smacking Akaashi in the head.

Bokuto had jumped up so fast Akaashi didn't even see him do it. He was holding his head. It didn't hurt too bad and he knew it was an accident.

"Akaashi! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" Bokuto shouted in a panic. He ran over to Akaashi and gently held his head between his hands.

"I'm okay, Bokuto. It didn't hurt that much," Akaashi said in a calm tone.

Bokuto ran his hands through Akaashi's hair and that caused Akaashi to tilt his head back a little. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, loving the feeling of his hands running through his hair.

"Ahh! Akaashi, don't pass out!" Bokuto moved his hands down to Akaashi's shoulders and shook them.

Akaashi internally sighed, but laughed on the outside. "I'm not going to pass out," He laughed.

Bokuto removed his hands from Akaashi and then put on a confused face. "I swear you were going to. Your eyes rolled back into your head."

Akaashi stood up and decided it was now or never to do something a little risky. He ran his hands up the back of Bokuto's hair, knowing Bokuto wouldn't understand, he sighed. He just wanted to be with him.

Bokuto had reacted differently than Akaashi thought he would. He put his hands on Akaashi's waist and leaned into his touch.

"Do that again," Bokuto commanded. Akaashi didn't need to be told twice. He ran his hands through Bokuto's hair once again and Bokuto's grip on Akaashi's waist tightened.

Without another thought, Akaashi decided to tell Bokuto how he felt.

"Bokuto, I really like you," He admitted. He had also paused with his hands in Bokuto's hair.

Bokuto had leaned in closer to Akaashi's face. Akaashi could feel his breath on his lips.

"That took you longer than I thought it would," He whispered.

Akaashi quickly jumped out of Bokuto's hold. "You knew?"

"Of course I knew. It was hard not to,"

Akaashi blushed in embarrassment. "Oh," This was not how he expected this to go.

Bokuto got close to him again. "I really like you too, Akaashi," He stated before using his hand to bring Akaashi's lips to his. 

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